My chicken life just started in the spring of 2007 with 5 chicks from the Easter Bunny for my, then 5 year old Daughter. 1 Rooster and 3 hens came out of that. From those first chicks started a fascination and severe passion for chickens! I read everything I can get my hands on and LOVE learning anything new that I possibly can. I love hearing others chickens stories just about as much as I enjoy telling my stories.
Currently, I have 29 hens and 4 roosters (1 is SUPER LUCKY to be alive. He escaped the pen on butchering day and we haven't butchered since.) The rule around our barnyard is that if we have 2 or more that look alike we only keep one so that we can name it and know who it is. I tried having only one breed and got bored very quickly of it because I couldn't distinguish 1 girl from another.