. Welcome to our C H I C K E N page
So we spent the winter months building a insulated A-frame chicken tractor that could be moved all over our yard. It has a door on the bottom, a door for the nest box and feed station, and 2 large cleanout doors. It looks nice, works well for 3-4 chickens, just a bit heavier than we thought it would be.
2 cochins Puffy & Flowery 2 Ameracaunas Lisa & Rosalie - 2 white silkies Fritzy-Lou and Susie).
See http://www.popsonfarm.com/ for more details.
In late November we decided to adopt 6 hens, a rooster and a turkey girl. The turkey wasn't planned for but came with the chickens. It works out ok, except for the turkey not fitting through my small chicken door. So I have to either open the window and let her fly out our open the clean-out door. We also started to add light from 2-7 AM to see if we can trick the hens into laying.
2008-12-09: Yippey, 2 more eggs!!! We will add more pictures of our coop and chickens during the next weeks.
Thank you for visiting our page!