. Welcome to our C H I C K E N page
2008 was our first year with chickens. We really got started on it by a friend who has over a dozen chickens the year before - Thank you Corry.
So we spent the winter months building a insulated A-frame chicken tractor that could be moved all over our yard. It has a door on the bottom, a door for the nest box and feed station, and 2 large cleanout doors. It looks nice, works well for 3-4 chickens, just a bit heavier than we thought it would be.

n May 2008 we got 6 baby chicks from a chicken farm south of Pittsburgh.

2 cochins Puffy & Flowery 2 Ameracaunas Lisa & Rosalie - 2 white silkies Fritzy-Lou and Susie).
See http://www.popsonfarm.com/ for more details.
3 of them turned out to be roosters and we gave them away. In October our white silkie hen Susie passed away very unexpectedly.

Come fall we had decided that we wanted more chickens, so we started to build our big chicken house. It is 8'x10' with a 8'x4 ' workspace inside, leaving the chickens 8'x6'. While the chicken tractor took 4 months to build, the large chicken house was finished in 1 month, just before the first snow came. The 4 chickens seemed very happy to move into their new home. We added the 8'x16' fenced in run. It is only a temporary setup until we can make it nice next spring.
In late November we decided to adopt 6 hens, a rooster and a turkey girl. The turkey wasn't planned for but came with the chickens. It works out ok, except for the turkey not fitting through my small chicken door. So I have to either open the window and let her fly out our open the clean-out door. We also started to add light from 2-7 AM to see if we can trick the hens into laying.




2008-12-07: FINALLY, our VERY first egg! We think it came from one of the cochins.

2008-12-09: Yippey, 2 more eggs!!! We will add more pictures of our coop and chickens during the next weeks.
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