My name is Chris. I am a transplanted Canadian living in Upstate New York with my wonderful wife, newborn son, a cute little lab puppy, and a few Farm animals.
For my first year back into the poultry game, I decided to get a bunch of different breeds, see what I liked, and I would go from there. Other then the 6 EE's I picked up at Tractor supply, I got all my chicks from local people. I started with Blue/Black Orphingtons, EE's, Giants, RIR, and BLRW. I am hoping to go into winter with about 15 hens and 4 roosters.

I am looking forward to focusing my efforts on getting nice Quality birds that at some point in the future I may be able to show, but for the time being, that is a distant notion. I hope to try my hand at hatching in the spring, as I have a few friends that would like some of the Blue orphingtons. I am hoping to get some better quality eggs for some Jersey giants next year.