
Welcome to Gramma's Chicken Page!
Stay at home, my heart, and rest...
Home keeping hearts
are happiest.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

After many years and a different house later, I am excited to have chickens again! I can't believe the joy these wee critters bring me. I believe that even my dear husband has the "chicken bug" too, although he states that he will leave the cleaning of the chicken poo to me. Mostly he just rolls his eyes because I started this chicken blog...

I counted the days until the Chicken Swap in Milford, New Hampshire in March. What fun! I went with my Dad, and my youngest daughter and my granddaughter. She is 2 years old and she loved every minute of it. What fun she had imitating the roosters and checking out the bunnies. We picked out our chicks and she held the box in her lap for most of the drive home. We brought home four one week old chicks. 2 Golden Comets and 2 Silkies.

I will update my pics occasionally so that you can see what is happening on my lil' mini farm. I can't believe how fast chicks grow. I noticed today that one of the Golden Comets has grown in her wings. My chick days are going by too fast!


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My coop will go under the tree.
Snow is almost melted. Yeah!

My Brooder all set up in my Craft Room.​

My babies. 2 Golden Comets and 2 Silkies!
They were born March 15, 2009

More Chick Pics!

Checking out my craft table. They're so cute,
I can hardly stand it! This is "Gerty".
This is Bitzie Abby our lil' cutie of a "Silkie".
The fasted chick in the brooder zipping all around
thinking it's Jeff Gorden.
(turned out later Bitzie is a boy)

The dark Silkie in the back we named "Jenny Chick"
after my oldest daughter because she too is
loud and bossy. Anyway, that chick cracks me up.
The darker yellow one in the front I named
"Ida" after my dear Grandmother Kelley.
She was the one who got me started
with Chickens years ago.

4/5/09 We spent the weekend building our run.
I could kiss that sweet man a million times for
helping me build it.
(Don't worry, that's my hubby - He's my hero)
We have absolutely no carpentry skills, but we
did it! Still have some things to do to make
it predator proof. Looking good!

My Granddaughter holding the chicks.
She calls this one "her" Ida.

So gentle. Look how big the chicks are!

Couldn't wait until delivery morning!
This was such an exciting day!
Rolled it into place on metal pipes.
Put it in perfectly!

New coop all in place! Yeah! Their first
quick trip to the real outdoors.
They are growing up fast! A bit over 4 weeks.

The view from my kitchen windowAwkward Stage, isn't Gerty "beautiful"?

Graduated to the coop. I have empty nest syndrome.
I kept on wanting to go into the other room
to check on the chicks, but they weren't there.
See her little head sticking up? "MOMMY"
The outside wire will be nailed in place
and covered with pebbles to prevent diggers.
Lots of predators around here.

Gerty is such a camera hog! The chick - Inn They love the outdoors and
love to zip around. Today we gave them meal worms.
They were a big hit.

Bitsie turned out to be a roo. He started to crow at
the end of June. Sounds like he has a toad stuck
in his throat. Needs a bit more practice. Oh how he
makes me laugh! I just love to hear him crow!
July 7th: - My first eggs from the
Golden Comets! I am sooo Egg-cited!
This is a tiny basket holding tiny eggs. They will
get larger soon once they practice a bit.

My happy hens. Today I put out a cute
apple bird feeder for some crushed oyster shells.
Not sure what they think of that.
My girls nesting boxes. Gerty seems confused and keeps
laying her eggs on the floor and I keep putting them
in the nest box. Hope she gets the hang of this soon.
I put in some fake eggs to encourage her.

Inside the coop. Insulation and walls are up.

The light is on a timer because they are afraid to
go in at night. It goes on at dusk and
shuts off after a few hours. Spoiled girls.
Chickens at play.
Their favorite treats are hard boiled eggs, corn on
the cob, spaghetti squash and blueberries. Although
they'll try just about anything.
Can you believe that my wonderful neighbors
will often bring them clover?
Thanks D & J!

This is my wonderful bench that my dear brother in law
made for me for my birthday. What a surprise!
(I may or may not have begged him to make it)
Now I can watch my 'Chicken TV'!
After seeing my latest pictures of my chicken area,
my boss said, "When did having chickens become
a spiritual retreat?" Too Funny!
Am I going overboard? Hmmmm, let me
ask my fuzzy butts...

My Granddaughter loves collecting eggs
in her 'chicken boots'!

It's October. Look how they've grown!

Pumpkin is a hit!So is refrigerator cleaning day!

10/11/09 - Look what I found this morning!
My Silkie "Jenny Chick" Layed her first egg!
See how tiny her egg is compared to the Golden Comet's.

I am so proud of her. That's her on the right.
By the way, I told Hubby today that I want sheep...

Mama Silkie and her babies, Audrey and Alice.Hailey and the girls.
5/29/10 A sad note:
Our rooster was killed by a hawk this week.
We miss his morning crow terribly. He died protecting Ida,
who was also injured in the attack.
The next morning all the hens came out of their house
and they all started crying for him. It sounded like their
egg song, but there was no egg laying going on.
It lasted for about 2 minutes. Ida died later.
6/9/10 Built a roost in the pen for Mama & her chicks
They were using it right after I put it in.
The view from the back.
Ihave them separated from my other hen.

Mama Hen's chicks are getting so big!
Can you believe they are both roosters?
July 20, 2010
Audrey crowed this morning.
A terrible noise that made me laugh.
They are now living with friends at their farm.

4/5/11 Starting over with new chicks!
Chicks arrived safely from Meyer Hatchery today!
3 Easter Eggers, 3 Cockoo Marans
and 3 Golden Comets!
I only plan on keeping some and a friend is taking the others.

My Golden Comet layed her first egg just in time for
my birthday. See their new nest boxes?
18 weeks old. They are all grown up!
Waiting for them to start laying too. I kept 3 Easter Eggers.
1 Cuckoo Marans, 1 Golden Comet and lets not
forget my old Silkie now renamed "Big Mama".
Love my chicken chores!