The Gray and Fox squirrels of Silvam are at war. The objective? Capturing a walnut grove, which has been fought over for many years. Walnuts are prized as both currency and food, and are in high demand by all of Squirrelkind. Meanwhile, the ground squirrels, red squirrels, and groundhogs of Rootside have stayed painstakingly neutral, refusing to get caught in the territorial conflict. Will the strategic Grays, or the Fox warlords capture the grove? Will the motley inhabitants of Rootside join the fray? No matter the outcome, the Grove Wars of Silvam will be known by every Sciuridae who has ever twitched their tail.

-Folia‘s inhabitants-

-Queen Fiddlehead by @RDchicken99
Name: Fiddlehead

Gender: Sow

Age: 8 months, (just grown)

Role/rank: Queen of Folia,

Kingdom/species: Gray, Folia

Physical description: A pretty sow, she strictly ensures her appearance is neat. She always has a sash tied around her tail, in royal custom.

Personality: Quiet but calculated, she does her best to not drown in the pressure of keeping her kingdom safe. She is usually shy, but the war has forced her to come out of her shell.

Backstory (optional): Fiddlehead was appointed as Queen at a very young age, following the suicide of her estranged mother, Queen Harrier. Her mother was driven mad by the pressure of the court and the ongoing war, Fiddlehead strives to not fall into the same pit that her mother did.

-Pine by @Crestcrazy2
Name: Pine

Gender: boar

Age: 2 (late teens or something Is what I’m going for)

Role/rank: he’s a young and spirited warrior who is seeking to make a name for himself. In his spare time he’s a weaponsmith like his father.

Kingdom and species:
Folia. Grey squirrel.

Physical description: black fur with silver highlights. Dark brown eyes. Strong and energetic. Well preened.

Personality: talkative and funny, supportive and fierce. The rest will play out in the rp

Backstory (optional): he’s been raised to be tough, resilient and somewhat stubborn. The war for the grove has taken its toll on him and the family, especially after losing his older sister Shrike to the red squirrels in an attack last winter. They’d taken her captive along with several others, and she was surely killed.
He trains day and night to be as good a warrior as he can be. Forging weapons for Squirrelkind in his free time right alongside his father.

-Raven by @Anime2lover
Name: Raven
Gender: female
Age: 4 months
Role/rank: thief
Kingdom and species: folia, Eastern grey squirrell and tree squirrel
Physical description: she has the grey coloring of the grey squirrel on her head and tail, but her body has the brownish coloring of the tree squirrel
Personality: Raven is spunky and outgoing. She is quick on her feet and with her hands. She is also good at stealth and sneaking around despite her young age.
Backstory (optional): Raven was born in a small poor family with two litter mates that died as 2 week old kits. She barely survived due to not having as much competition anymore. Her parents found good paying jobs as part of a merchant group but they were taken about a month afterward by an eagle. She has been on her own for about a month now. Living off the streets as a thief.

-Rootside’s Inhabitants-
-Fantine by @the-peanut-coop
Name: Fantine

Gender: Sow

Age: 2
(Hey... ground squirrels don't live that long, can we extend the longlivety of them for plot purposes?)

Role/rank: She's just a worker squirrel who does odd jobs. She doesn't mind hard work and travels where she is needed

Kingdom and species: Groundside, Thirteen lined ground squirrel (Squinney)

Physical description: Shes a very stripey round little squirrel :D

Personality: Shes kind but often very busy and determined. She's got street smarts.

Backstory (optional):She was raised with a couple of other pups(??? ) but left her home early to make a way for hereself.

-Loners and Wanderers-
-Shiro by @Anime2lover
Name: shiro
Gender: male
Age: 8 months
Role/rank: he is a wondering warrior
Kingdom/species: red squirrell
Physical description: Shiro is albino, with striking white fur, and clear red eyes, one of wich is blind.
Perso: Shiro is fierce and loyal to those close to them. He is protective, and a great friend once you earn his trust. He preffers to work alone but sometimes works with another wanerer called Lilly, a eastern grey squirrel.
Backstory (optional): Shiro was born between the two kingdoms, at the border. His family didn't live as part of a community though and lived off their own hard work. Collecting their own food and such. They often went into both kingdoms to find food so sometimes came into conflict with the fox's squirrels of vulpine Keep. During one of those trips, they were caught by some greedy corruptsoldiers on their way to raid one of the grey squirrels communities across the border. They killed his parents and took the nuts they had been carrying at the time. Shiro managed to get away with some of them though and ran for home. (Find out the rest in rp)

-Lily by @Anime2lover
Name: lilly
Gender: female
Age: 9 months
Role/rank: wandering warrior
Kingdom/species: grey squirrell
Physical description: she is a silvery color with honey brown eyes and half a tail
Personality: Lilly is a fiery young squirrell with a love for adventure and excitement. She doesn't like living a mundane boring life either.
Backstory (optional): Lilly was born in a large family with plenty of resources. But they were often to controlling of her and her actions. She dealt with it for a while before she'd decided she'd had enough and left home. She had taken selfe defence lessons growing up so she knew how to defend herself well enough to survive using her skills. She ended up taking on jobs as a guard for merchants and the like. She often works with Shiro and others as well.

-Smithie by @Amer
Name: Smithie

Gender: boar

Age: 8 weeks

Role/rank: orphaned tagalong

Kingdom/species: red squirrel

Physical description: His head is too big for his little body. Huge, watery eyes and an overactive, constantly sniffing nose.

Personality: Annoying, persistent, hungry. Demands food and constantly reminds people "my mommy died." He is very cheerful in spite of this.

Backstory (optional): Smithie went out of the nest one day and when he came back, it was destroyed. He tried to find his mother but she was presumably eaten. Fortunately, the young Smithie who didn't know what was happening came across Shiro and Lilly. He followed them around and they couldn't get rid of him. He wasn't prepared to be on his own yet.

This is a massive work in progress, I’ll work on getting it sorted into pages once we have more characters!

Vulpine Keep

-Steve by @The-White-Elephant
Name: Foxblood Steve

Gender: Male

Age: 2

Role/rank: Warlord?

Kingdom and species: Umm, fox squirrels I think.

Physical description: Big and gray.

Personality: Kind and sometimes mean. Can get very arrogant.
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-Vert by @Amer
Name: Vert

Gender: boar

Age: 2

Role/rank: warrior squirrel

Kingdom/species: Vulpine

Physical description: A very large and strong fox squirrel

Personality: Emphasizes strength and brutality, but he’s not stupid. Nor is he cunning. He is of average intelligence and will do anything in his power to dominate Folia. A strong leader, but is somewhat cruel to his underlings. He will treat you with respect if he sees you as an equal.

Backstory (optional): A strong squirrel who has lived a couple of years. He works to assist his warlord in his plans and helps lead a squirrel regiment? into battle.
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-Scamp by @Lovely Lettie
Name: Scamp

Gender: Male

Age: 1 Yr

Role/rank: Warrior for the fox kingdom.

Kingdom and species: Vulpine Keep, Fox squirrel.

Physical description: Large agile squirrel.

Personality: Cheeky and daring but extremely smart.
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-Gnome by @Crestcrazy2
Name: Gnome

Gender: boar

Age: really old

Role/rank: He is a high ranking shopkeeper who supplies the King and Queen with any mushrooms grown in the nearby lands, plus a few from afar.

Kingdom and species: red/fox squirrel hybrid (can he be? I like red squirrel ears lol) Vulpine.

Physical description: wiry and well preened. Dark red fur, white belly. Amber eyes. Long ear tufts.
Wears a dried mushroom hat most of the time.

Personality: talkative, but he speaks in riddles sometimes. Seems to know everything about anything. Talks of his dreams of a peaceful future. He only does what is needed of him. Reveals little about his past.

Backstory (optional): says he’s from a far away kingdom but now lives in Vulpine. He lives on a lower section of a great big pine tree within a gnarly hollow filled with various mushrooms.
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-Owl by @Anime2lover
Name: owl
Gender: male
Age: 1 yr
Role/rank: healer
Kingdom and species: vulpine Keep, Fox squirrell
Physical description: he is on the smaller side for his species and is of a slightly darker color
Personality: he is a friendly but stubborn squirrell who is smart and witty. He is knowledgable of herbs and proud of that fact.
Backstory (optional): his family is one that has worked under their king for many generations. His mother

-Burdock by @RDchicken99

Name: Burdock

Gender: Sow

Age: 5-6

Role/rank: Head military cook.

Kingdom and species: Fox squirrel, Vulpine Keep

Physical description: Rather large for a sow, her fur is very orange for a fox squirrel.

Personality: Stern, she can boss with the best of them.

Backstory (optional): After losing her kittens to fever, she became a cook for the Fox troops. She comes across as gruff, but her intentions are good, and her quick manner is just her way of mothering the squirrels around her.


-Queen Fiddlehead by @RDchicken99
Name: Fiddlehead

Gender: Sow

Age: 8 months, (just grown)

Role/rank: Queen of Folia,

Kingdom/species: Gray, Folia

Physical description: A pretty sow, she strictly ensures her appearance is neat. She always has a sash tied around her tail, in royal custom.

Personality: Quiet but calculated, she does her best to not drown in the pressure of keeping her kingdom safe. She is usually shy, but the war has forced her to come out of her shell.

Backstory (optional): Fiddlehead was appointed as Queen at a very young age, following the suicide of her estranged mother, Queen Harrier. Her mother was driven mad by the pressure of the court and the ongoing war, Fiddlehead strives to not fall into the same pit that her mother did.

-Pine by @Crestcrazy2
Name: Pine

Gender: boar

Age: 2 (late teens or something Is what I’m going for)

Role/rank: he’s a young and spirited warrior who is seeking to make a name for himself. In his spare time he’s a weaponsmith like his father.

Kingdom and species:
Folia. Grey squirrel.

Physical description: black fur with silver highlights. Dark brown eyes. Strong and energetic. Well preened.

Personality: talkative and funny, supportive and fierce. The rest will play out in the rp

Backstory (optional): he’s been raised to be tough, resilient and somewhat stubborn. The war for the grove has taken its toll on him and the family, especially after losing his older sister Shrike to the red squirrels in an attack last winter. They’d taken her captive along with several others, and she was surely killed.
He trains day and night to be as good a warrior as he can be. Forging weapons for Squirrelkind in his free time right alongside his father.

-Raven by @Anime2lover
Name: Raven
Gender: female
Age: 4 months
Role/rank: thief
Kingdom and species: folia, Eastern grey squirrell and tree squirrel
Physical description: she has the grey coloring of the grey squirrel on her head and tail, but her body has the brownish coloring of the tree squirrel
Personality: Raven is spunky and outgoing. She is quick on her feet and with her hands. She is also good at stealth and sneaking around despite her young age.
Backstory (optional): Raven was born in a small poor family with two litter mates that died as 2 week old kits. She barely survived due to not having as much competition anymore. Her parents found good paying jobs as part of a merchant group but they were taken about a month afterward by an eagle. She has been on her own for about a month now. Living off the streets as a thief.