[FONT=comic sans ms,sand]What a wonderful website! I discovered Backyard Chickens over a year ago, while searching the web for fellow chicken lovers. You see, I live in Hershey, PA, (yes, some days the air smells just like chocolate and then it rains) where fortunately we are zoned agricultural. I am allowed to have my chickens and even my horses if we had enough room, which we do not. My flock which consists of an assortment of cochins, Rhode Island Reds, and a turkey named Ellie, give more than eggs to me; they supply me with a connection to a slower, less complicated time. The chicken coop is the one place where I know there will never be stress; it's quiet just listening to the soft cackling of the hens as they go about their day.[/FONT]
Before my dh and I built this home, I checked with the local zoning officer to be certain I could have my flock. A year later I order my first 10 chicks. Having purchased a small "outhouse" type building from a shed company, I added a nesting box and attached dog kennel panels for their run. Last year we purchased from the same shed company, a child's playhouse, complete with screens and three windows. I cut an opening in the back and placed screen over the child's door in the front. This provides excellent ventilation. Once again the dog kennel panels provide security from preditors. I know how sensitive neighbors are about chickens, but unless you are right up at the coop, you really do not know that it is not for two-legged children. It looks cute, having decorated it with an "Eggs" sign, plant hangers, and lights.