Hardware cloth

We roofed the back half of the coop/run with left over metal roofing we had from the house and began framing and siding the coop with left over siding we stored under the house for thirty years. You can see where the 4’ x 6’coop has been framed in. The coop floor and ceiling are in as well. There is a gap between the ceiling of the coop and the roof on the backside of the coop allowing for storage of extra trays etc.. You can also see the drop down egg door allowing for egg collection without entering the run and the coop entry door which is a bamboo cutting board that opens with a cord via a pulley system. The Adjust A Gate, has also been installed and works great! Now we will cover the entire rest of the run in hardware cloth. Any leaves that collect on our hardware cloth roof we will simply blow off with our leaf blower.
Storage above coop.
Next page: Coop entry pulley door
Previous page: Below Ground