well it is the 4th day with the chickies.. 4 are doing great, and i have been reading that it would be ok to bring them out side.. bit windy for them today maybe tomorrow , supposed to get up to 23c take them in to my veg bed and let them peck around.
as for the two little guys they worry me. they are having such a hard time getting around and they have curled toes.. going to try the baby vitamins see if that helps. i have put the bandaids on their legs to tryt o get them under neath their bodies but the toes really worry me. specialy onthe one whose got problems with both feet. they are so darn cute i would hate to loose them
hubby has to build a coop for them yet, not sure where in the yard to put it. thinking of to one side ,you see our yard is one big slope which i have terraced but being a corner lot we are like a big goldfishbowl! so off the back corner of the house would be best. so that people can't see them cause technically we can't have chickens in the municipality.. sooo we are sneaking them.. they're pets! right!!! anyway so long as we don't have a rooster we should be fine, and both neighbours are totally ok with it.