How To Introduce New Chickens to an Existing Flock

Great info! I've got chicks coming this week and my other hens are 4 months old so I'm excited to introduce them!
Great information 👍
I have different breeds, each has their own section. When a hen from each was bullied, I created a whole new section & all of them get along. It's weird how a flock can get along well for years, then suddenly decide they don't like "that one" anymore. I learned that bullying can happen later on, after years of congeniality...go figure. My senior section of previously bullied ladies also has a sweet Buff Orpington Roo. They have their personalities & moods too! ❤️
Plenty of good information!
Very well written-lots of great tips and information!
Good information especially when it comes to.mix flocks and roosters
Very well done
Great tips!
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