Chicken Breed Info:
Breed Purpose:
Dual Purpose
Comb: Single
Broodiness: Average
Climate Tolerance: All Climates

General Egg Info:
Egg Productivity:
Egg Size: Medium
Egg Color: Light Brown

Breed Temperament:
Wild / restless

Breed Colors / Varieties:
Yellow , and Partridge all tho they come in white and Speckled to
Breed Details:
I have only been able to locate a hand full of people that have any colour of the hungarian , but yellow seems to be the colour that most have. I do not know of any breeders in the US. The egg shells they lay are. Speckled when held up to a light. This breed to what i can tell they are a active breed. They are a good all around barn chicken. They like to free range a forge even as chicks the are scratching and picking away.




