
Coop in the persimmon wood. Dimensions , not sure, that's a hubby question but I think it's 8x8x10. 12 nesting boxes and Brooder inside. Removed slated tin from above brooder and placed black screen on top and sides of brooder. All feed is kept in 50 gallon plastic feed barrels that have screw on lids. :) Fence on backside and Gate have been rebuilt thanks to our "Butthead" Barbado Ram. Birdnetting out in run under canopy of trees.

RIR teens loitering around the brooder/infirmary visiting bumblefoot banty roo.

Another brooder inside view showing lowest rung of upright roost. Height of main roost is 10 ft in ladder H shape. brooder now has 2 more cedar pole roosts above at staggered heights to make assent and dissent easier for my now huge 2 yr old RIR hens. South side nesting boxes on top have another horizontal window under tin for air flow. A "don't get up there!" slant roof and black mesh net box walls because ran short on wood dividers. They were sleeping on partial wall sections and POOPing in nest boxes. Net took care of it.


Rebuilt gate totally since this picture. as another BYCer suggested, we now have 2 1/2 ft of corgated tin all the way around chicken run. Background shows chicken swimming pool. I swear, they live better than we do. Free range most of day. at 24 weeks 3 of 14 hens finally have begun to lay eggs.


Looking at pop door, but changed to sliding door with pulley. Sooo much easier. Outside PVC feeder since revised with bottom pipe whole except 2inch biscuit cutouts ,thanks again to "Butthead". Actually alot less feed wasted now

One more change. we placed clean sand throughtout run and on floor of coop. That reduced the fly population substantially. yippee! Paradise bird avery.. chicken run.

Thanks for checking it out. :)