Okay, here goes..... We are newbies to this site. We finally got us a little slice of Heaven out in the country and decided we wanted some fresh eggs! After a bit of research on how to build a coop and where to get some chicks, we came across the Texas A&M site about a classroom project for hatching eggs. You could also order fertile eggs from them at a fairly reasonable price. Since we home school, we thought, "What a great project!" Next we started researching how to build a bator. Once we got that done, we ordered our eggs, which are white leghorns. I know, they are not the coolest looking but for the price, they were a wise choice. Plus where else do you have to pick your eggs up at the local GREYHOUND Bus Station? That in itself was an adventure! The clerk said, "Are there really eggs in there?" Well let's see, it says FRAGILE, EGGS!
So now we have our little eggs all cozy in our "STYLING TV/FISH TANK". Talk about live tv!!!! My children love it! And you know, if not a single egg hatches, the learning experience will have been so worth it. We received 30 eggs to begin with, four turned out not to be fertile. We had a couple of casualties right off the bat, thanks to our very hyper German Short Haired puppy. And over the last few days we have weeded out a couple more due to blood rings, etc. These we dissected, for a lack of a better term, and we were able to examine the very tiny embryo. I think we have 21 eggs now and we are half way there. I don't like failure so we are going to try our best, however, my prayer is that we get at least two successful hatch-lings. One for each of my children. I think it will be so awesome to say, "We hatched these little guys or gals!" vs, "We bought them at our local feed store." In all honesty, we will probably purchase a couple anyway.
Here is our adventure story thus far. Hope you enjoy!
The Greyhound Bus Station in Seguin, TX! Yes it is in the convenient store.

EGGS! Handle with care!
Here's our eggs!


X, O, X, O, X, O.......times 30
Our styling TV Incubator
Now showing on Channel "30", Eggstravaganza!!!!!!
Tada! Live TV! Can't beat that for an Educational Channel!