Name: Inari
Gender: Female
Age: 15
History: Her parents abandoned her and she was taken in by some foster parents, who she hated, so she escaped and is on the run from the adoption system.
What they look like/Picture:
Animal form/picture (optional):
Culture: Japanese
God(dess) of: Foxes
Personality: Mysterious and blinded by first impressions, not trusting, not trustworthy, loyal, a good friend once she gets to know people, misunderstood, and calm
Pet (optional): A fox named Autumn
Crush (optional): None
Boy/Girlfriend (optional): None
Spouse (optional): None
Username: water1997

Name: Isabella (Aphrodite, but doesn't know it)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
History: Her father and mom are very rich and have raised her to be very lady like,
What they look like/Picture:

Animal form/picture (optional): White cat
Culture: Greek
God(dess) of: Love and Beauty
Personality: Meek (Will put up little or no argument if someone tells her to do something), Shy, Quiet, Very (very) kind (As far as to actually care for the enemy if they are hurt) she will let people walk all over her, naïve , she feels like no one cares for her,
Pet (optional): None her parents think that animals are dirty and stupid, but she loves animals and dearly wants a companion that will actually love her.
Crush: She has vowed never to fall in love as her mom and dad fight a lot she doesn't want to go though the heartbreak
Boy/Girlfriend: She has vowed never to fall in love as she doesn't want to turn out like her mom and dad, neglecting there child and making her feel unloved and wanted, when she was little she would go to the park and watch kids play with there mom's and dad's if she could have one wish, she would wish for her parents to actually notice her.
Spouse: None, though because of her beauty there are many men chasing after her
Username: Mipuppy

Name: Jason (Hades)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
History: abandoned by his parents but managed to make a living and lives in a cheap and horrible apartment
What they look like/Picture:

(He's good looking knows it and uses it)
Animal form/picture (optional): Raven
Culture: Greek
God(dess) of: Death
Personality: cool/cold, seems like he doesn't care most time, heartless and will never trust anyone, he is willing to use people (and his good looks),
Pet (optional): he can't afford one but works at the pet shelter
Crush: N/A
Boy/Girlfriend: N/A
Spouse: N/A
Username: Mipuppy1

Name: Anthony (Ares)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
History: he was bullied and abused by his parents
What they look like/Picture:

Animal form/picture (optional): Vulture
Culture: Greek
God(dess) of: War
Personality: he is the bully of the playground
Pet (optional):
Crush: N/A
Boy/Girlfriend: N/A
Spouse: N/A
Username: Mipuppy

Name: Sammy/Eleos
Gender: Female
Age: 15
History: Was an orphan until she was 8, then she was adopted.
What they look like/Picture: She is fair-skinned and has brown hair and eyes. She is quite pretty, but doesn't think she is.
Animal frm/picture (optional):

Culture: Greek
Personality: She is very nice, sometimes to the point of being overly nice. She thinks that everyone is her friend, which results in quite a few heartbreaks. But if you dare threaten her friends, well, lets just say this: don't get on her bad side. Her compassion is often shown in her extreme love of animals. She sometimes feels like the fifth wheel or the one man out. She is sometimes afraid of being alone.
Pet (optional): none
Boy/Girlfriend (optional): none
Spouse (optional) none:
Username: animallover505

Name: Dannie (Diana)
History: TBR
What they look like/Picture:
Animal form/picture (optional):
Culture: Roman
God(dess) of: Moon
Personality: Sweet kind naïve not the best common sense can get really mad sometimes
Pet (optional):none
Crush (optional):Anthony
Boy/Girlfriend (optional):none
Spouse (optional):none

Name: Jake (Apollo)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
History: his twin sister is Diana, he was abandoned when he was little along with her sister
What they look like/Picture:

Animal form/picture (optional): Raven
Culture: Roman
God(dess) of: sun, music, poetry, medicine, and prophecies
Personality: he is a flirty ladies man, vain and conceited, he likes to play it cool and never gets mad, he handsome and knows it,
Pet (optional):
Crush: none, but he flirts with a lot of girls
Username: Mipuppy

Name: Asclepius (Adam)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
What they look like/Picture: Tan, Green eyes, black hair. Tall and muscular
Animal form/picture (optional):

Culture: Greek
God(dess) of: Healing
Personality: kind, gentle, naïve, but highly protective of friends
Pet (optional):
Crush: Sammy/Eleos
Boy/Girlfriend: none
Spouse: none
Username: animallover505

Name: Joushua (Thor)
What they look like/Picture:
Animal form/picture (optional):
God(dess) of:Lightning
Personality:Quiet jerkish
Pet (optional):None

Name: Jahdiel (Nemesis)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
History: She has lived with her parents her whole life and fights with them constantly because they pile extra math practice on her whenever she has free time and if she completes that they make her do chores as "punishment" even though she didn't do anything wrong.
What they look like/Picture:
Animal form/picture (optional):
Culture: Greek
God(dess) of: Revenge
Personality: Cold, somewhat kind once you get to know her, just, stubborn, not easily tricked, willing to fight for a just cause
Pet (optional): none
Crush: none
Boy/Girlfriend: none
Spouse: none
Username: water1997
Name:(goddess name:persephone)(mortal name:Crystal)
History:Her parents died at a young age for her and was sent to live with her aunt who treats her poorly.
What they look like/Picture:

Animal form/picture (optional):
God(dess) of:The underworld
Personality: Kind quiet shy loves flowers naive
Pet (optional):

Link to the RP