
We are a small farm in Southern Maine.
Raising our own food and loving the farm life. I have always lived on a farm and until recently always raised the broilers and Broad Breasted White turkeys for meat and had a few laying hens for eggs. Last year I decided to try and raise our own poultry and not rely on purchasing day old chicks. I chose the Chanticleer chicken because of its versatilty and hardiness to our Maine climate and its desire to forage. I can't wait til spring 2011 for our first hatch.
We tried Royal Palm and Bourbon Red turkeys and decided on the Bourbon Reds. We had our first hatch this year and were fortunate to have our tom and hen raise 6 poults successfully. We chose to leave Tom and Hen together to raise the poults, although many told us he would kill them. They worked it all out and it was a great experience to watch them interact with each other. I had never seen turkeys in a natural setting and our Tom is such a good dad. The babies would ride around on his back and he was a great protector. They free range on the property and are great foragers.
Red Rose Red Rock
Bourbon Red Poults Royal Palm and Bourbon Red cross poult