Richard & Luwana's Chicken Coop
Leesburg, Florida
center of state
Between Ocala and Orlando
3 Barred Plymouth Rocks
3 Silver Spangled Hamburgs
3 Australoops
1 Golden Spangled Hamburg
3 Australoops
1 Golden Spangled Hamburg
They hatched out Monday Oct. 24, 2011. I received
them Tuesday Oct. 25, 2011, Our wonderful mail
lady brought them right to the house, This is the first
time I've ever raised chickens, I have a great time,
My husband built our coop out of nasty, bug infested,
fungus eaten used wood, we did buy some new nails,
at first he was putting old nails and straightening them,
that got to being real time consuming, so he finely bought
some. We did buy good paint and the fencing stuff, I did
all the painting myself. We are proud of our made from
scratch chicken coop.