Madcity Peeps
My name is Kim and I live in Madison, WI. I am a very new to the ways of the chicken. We are a family of 4 bipeds, 3 dogs, 1 cat and 4 chickens.
I have little knowledge of chickens except that we have 4 hens. Of the 4 one is a polish. My husband with much head shaking and eye rolling with thoughts that I am crazy is just as addicted as I am. We got our girls in May as 1 week olds and they have grown into our sweet Lucy, Tessy, Chicka, and Emmie.
My husband built this awsome coop. I will have to post pics. It has kept the girls cool in the summer and warm and dry in the winter. We currently have 3 roomies. They are little bantams and they seem to be finally getting along after a week of bickering chicken style. No one was hurt in the process!!!!
I love coming to this site as I learn something new everyday. Fortunately our girls have had no problems.
It is official we are addicted!!!!!