The 2010 Chicken Experiment
3-11-10 Bought hatching eggs - 2 Bantam Cochin, 2 Standard Polish, 2 Silkie and 2 Sizzle
3-25-10 There's something in there
3-30-10 It's starting
3-31-10. 1st one out. Standard Polish, named Uno.
2nd... Bantam Cochin, later will be named Butters
3rd...Bantam Cochin, later will be named Kesha
4th...Sizzle, will be named Spaz. Uno and Butters are watching
4-1-10 last one, a Silkie. Butters is there too.
For the other three eggs, one didn't develop, one had stopped developing and one it was too late to help, since we waited for all the others to hatch to open the incubator and try to help
Into the brooder:
4-10-10, 10 days old
4-20-10, 20 days old
5-2-10, 4 weeks old
5-16-10, 6 weeks old. From left clockwise: Uno (Polish), Spike (Silkie), Kesha (Bantam Cochin), Spaz (Sizzle), and Butters (Bantam Cochin)
On May 25th. How could I resist a pair of Welsh Harlequin ducklings (from Holderread) and three more chicks from TSC (EE, Silver-laced Wyandotte and Isa Brown)
After a long break from posting.. here is everybody looking much more grown up. The 5 older chickens are now 22 weeks, the ducks are 16 weeks an the younger chickens are 15 weeks. Clockwise from lower right: Butters (Bantam Cochin, hen), Uno (Polish, hen), Spike (Silkie mix, roo), Spaz (Sizzle, hen), Katie (Silver-laced Wyandotte, hen), Chip (EE, roo), Daisy and Puddles (Welsh Harlequin ducks, pair), Miss Isa (Isa Brown, hen), Kesha (Bantam Cochin, hen).
The boys that have gone to good homes:
Here is our youngest hen, Melody. We still miss her Mom (Kesha). Except for the smooth feathers she looks like Dad - Spike the Silkie mix (black skin, 5 toes... just one white toe).
3-11-10 Bought hatching eggs - 2 Bantam Cochin, 2 Standard Polish, 2 Silkie and 2 Sizzle

3-25-10 There's something in there

3-30-10 It's starting

3-31-10. 1st one out. Standard Polish, named Uno.

2nd... Bantam Cochin, later will be named Butters

3rd...Bantam Cochin, later will be named Kesha

4th...Sizzle, will be named Spaz. Uno and Butters are watching

4-1-10 last one, a Silkie. Butters is there too.

For the other three eggs, one didn't develop, one had stopped developing and one it was too late to help, since we waited for all the others to hatch to open the incubator and try to help

Into the brooder:

4-10-10, 10 days old

4-20-10, 20 days old

5-2-10, 4 weeks old

5-16-10, 6 weeks old. From left clockwise: Uno (Polish), Spike (Silkie), Kesha (Bantam Cochin), Spaz (Sizzle), and Butters (Bantam Cochin)

On May 25th. How could I resist a pair of Welsh Harlequin ducklings (from Holderread) and three more chicks from TSC (EE, Silver-laced Wyandotte and Isa Brown)

After a long break from posting.. here is everybody looking much more grown up. The 5 older chickens are now 22 weeks, the ducks are 16 weeks an the younger chickens are 15 weeks. Clockwise from lower right: Butters (Bantam Cochin, hen), Uno (Polish, hen), Spike (Silkie mix, roo), Spaz (Sizzle, hen), Katie (Silver-laced Wyandotte, hen), Chip (EE, roo), Daisy and Puddles (Welsh Harlequin ducks, pair), Miss Isa (Isa Brown, hen), Kesha (Bantam Cochin, hen).

The boys that have gone to good homes:

Here is our youngest hen, Melody. We still miss her Mom (Kesha). Except for the smooth feathers she looks like Dad - Spike the Silkie mix (black skin, 5 toes... just one white toe).