Hi there, Thanks for swinging by our BYC page! We are located in western Pennsylvania smack dab between Erie and Pittsburgh.
The farm is on 25 acres and didn't originally set out to be a farm. Oh, there was always the intention to get horses...but the Guineas came along out of necessity. The tick problem here is ridiculous! So we got the first 3 Guineas: King Julian, Baby and Polly. The more I know about Guineas....the more I need chickens! So I chose Silkies. Who doesn't want a bunch of muppets running around the yard???? All along DH has said he always wanted a rooster. (of course, he's never tried to sleep at 6am when the thing is crowing but I let him find that one out on his own!) So he searched the web and decided on a Black Copper Marans. Somehow along the way we added ducks, D'Uccles, EE's, Splash and Blue Marans, and sizzles! *sigh* It's busy here!
Next up, the gardens are going to be HUGE this year! I think we just might be a real farm after all! lol
The lambs are coming in spring, the horses are coming next year. Till then.....