My Mixed Flock

I kept meat chickens, Cornish x, several years ago.
The group i had were less than personable, and after the first flock, were not able to raise any more for years, moved into town.
We have 5 acres now, and my future son in law asked me if i would like "free chicks"...
I blurted out "SURE" and my hubby looked at me in horror! (SORRY HUNNY)
His uncle was having an exceptional hatch year and just had too many.
There was 6. I decided then it was time again. I finally determined they are Wyandottes.
Got lucky and had 1 roo, and 5 hens.
He had extra geese, and ducks also!
My parents live full time with us now and we care for them. My Dad is very fond of geese.
So we took 6, and my youngest just had to have ducks a total of 4.
We converted an older 10x12 shed and a 26x12 dog run into the community coop.
my chicks and goslings were about a month, and the ducklings were just a few days old.

We came home in an insulated minnow bucket to stay warm!
Donald, Squawk, Huey and Stanley :)

The ducks today!
Clockwise from top left: Squawk, Donald, Huey and Stanley.
All tuckered out from spreading wood chips around the pond.

I had a cell phone oops and lost our baby pics of the geese and chickens :(
here are a few shots as of today...

My Mr Red and WeeWee #1 ( we have 2 greys, haven't been able to determine their breed)

My oldest daughter and WeeWee#2..
She is the only goose i have ever seen do this, loves belly rubs. she nibbles your knee to be picked up.

My handsome Mr. G (Embder) he has 3 siblings, we think another gander and 2 females

And Spike, our favorite girl!

Spikes favorite girl, my youngest daughter. The have a chat on the lawn chair everyday.

Mr Red and the ladies, the other 3 girls don't like to be photographed.

We added to our flock this weekend since 4H is finished this year, will add pictures soon.
Our newest hens are 4 partridge rock,they are over a year old, and 2 guineas..
(that was for the horrified hubby, he loves them)
We had fresh eggs from our new hens the very next morning i was quite impressed.
Had to drag out the brooder again tho, the guineas are only 4 weeks!
Tocompete our flock, we have MadMax the Boxer, Sadie the Chug (pug and Chihuahua).
5 homeless stray cats that wandered or were dropped here.
I have all the strays neutered and live their life out here with us.

My Flock is very happy to meet you all :) I have learned so much since i joined!
Updates as of 7/28/2012
Heres our newest additions!!!!

4 Plymouth Partridge rock.... omy one has a name.. big mama

2 lil 4 week old guineas

4H ended last weekend, so we are working the 6 noobies into our flock.
more to come...

Heres the Guineas as of today, getting big!
About author
Chaneys Ranch
I am retired early to take care of my 80+yr old parents full time. Both heart and diabetes patients, Moms a cancer survivor as well. DH and I sold our home, and built on an "1800 SQ FT addition" onto their home to have privacy but allow immediate care when needed.
5 acres here, and very lush, healthy green former pasture. My SIL asked me one day, do you want chickens? I blurted out YES and my DH about fainted! From there we have evolved to a working farm.


thanks lonelyrooster, i wish i knew what breed these guys are.
i think just a barnyard mix. they are all very sweet.

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Chaneys Ranch
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