Subzero temps with howling bone chilling wind was causing concern the girls wouldn’t be comfortable this winter. Amid home interior painting and Christmas shopping, I scrambled to set them up INside the shed adjacent to the ramshackle coop. THEY hadn’t complained but y’kno the feeling…
I didn’t have time for b4 pics snd it’s still only 3 degrees, not conducive for pics! I texted my daughter this:
“Ya woulda laughed at the girls -- big blackie stepped ONE toe on the snowy log ramp and backed up backwards back into the coop! Like nope! Not going out!”
Only one IB braved the white STUFF and pecked at corn leftovers. I soon shut her inside the coop whiIe I fought the cold finishing the indoor (ha!) shed/coop. Four days - my B&D drill gave up, the hubby urged me to keep it in the warmer basement overnight. Tadah! It worked the 4th day 😎
I double checked every nook and cranny, screens, mental notes for next week and finally jigsawed the pop door open. I’m not pro-automated ‘yet’. Dug out the old painted ramp from the junk heap- and stuffed big Carmel through! She dove beakfirst into the corn bowl lol. (Pic wasn’t good enough to see her) then scooped up the other 3 and screwed on the ramp over the opening.
Very happily eating and then ….rather than using the old wooden ladder I secured as a perch, I looked for them…? I shone a flashlight haha there they were ALL on a 2nd board next to the ladder! Go figure Lol
Sorry for being blurry, pics don’t do their cuteness justice! 206C37E0-DB13-4DF9-9242-399A906E329A.jpeg C9BB792F-32B8-487D-8D06-5F739E9F472C.jpeg