Thank you, BYC for the great site!
We have a yellow chicken with feathers to her feet (Sue) and a black astrolope named (Betty) who are about 8 months old. The girls usually lay an egg apiece every day! They are pretty spoiled, their favorite treat is lemon cookies!
We also have 4 R.I. reds, Tammy, Loretta, Reba and Dolly who are about 2 months old, and they are developing their own personalities too! We sure have a good time with our "kids" (we have a dog, GG, and a cat, Tebo), and they all get along just fine!
Hope you enjoy our pix!

Now our "babies" are older, and ALL of them are laying! The babies started laying very early, I guess from watching Betty and Sue! LOL. Some days we get six eggs, others, we get 3, but it's more than we can keep up with, so we've been giving them away, much to the delight of our family and friends!
Thanks again, BYC, we've learned a lot from you all, and love our girls!!!