Our coop!!

Cute and functional coop build. Nice photos. Could use more photos and details of the building process
Good ventilation and plenty of roosts in the enclosed coop part, nice cover for the run, excellent that you installed hardware cloth around the lower part of the run. The only thing to improve it might be to install poultry wire around the top part of the run so grabby raccoon hands can't reach in and grab a victim. Have to mention, love the dragonfly decor!
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Reactions: bethnlee
Thanks so much! Poultry wire…is that chicken wire? The whole run is wrapped in chicken wire, with hardware cloth on the bottom and buried around the bottom… the dragon flyers were a gift from my daughter and grandson for my birthday :-). I love them on the coop too ♥️
There's not much "How To" in this article, but there's a LOT of heart and a good story (as well as a some nice pictures) to make up for it. This very nice set-up is proof that we don't have to be carpenters, engineers or independently wealthy to have a nice coop. VERY nice job!
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