On this page I'd like to share a few photos of our new batch of layers. And in case you were curious, our first batch began 3 1/2 years ago in the middle of February. We still have 8 of the original 10 ... all Barred Rocks. Where'd the 2 missing ones go? That's a mystery to us but our theory is they were stolen. We've lived in the city up until a few months ago. One day, about 3 years ago, we came home to a wide open chicken door and our chickens scattered all over our yard and a few of the neighbors yards. Two were missing (our favorites of course - Goldie and Pickles). We searched and searched, hung up signs, etc. but they were never to be seen again. I assume someone opened the chicken door, helped themselves to two chickens (because they are so friendly they would just walk right up to you and want to be picked up), left the door open and took off. They give us about 4 eggs a day on average ... the eggs are healthy, deep orange and yummy! We look forward to more eggs and enough to sell.

Anyway, here are a few photos of our new chicks.