. As an update, our partridge rocks are in their second winter. Not doing too bad, we put light in the coop, as our winters are so dark. My husband has admitted to naming some of the hens. He asked me how long hens can live. My response was that I've never tried to find out. January 2011
My name is Cheryl, and I live with my husband Rick on an acreage in MN. We've got 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 25 cornish roaster meatbirds. Once they're in the freezer, we're getting 25 Partridge Rocks. June 2008
I've raised lots of poultry through the years, but this is my husband's, first time with birds. He's having a blast with them. He thought maybe he was getting a bit weird, watching the chicks all the time. He was relieved when I told him it was an old family traditon amongst my relatives.

We just got our coop open for business yesterday. Thank goodness for friends and relatives, the coop would still be in a pile in the shed without them.
I'm going to try posting some pics of the coop, etc. Thanks for looking and enjoy BYC

June 11, 2008
We took our chickens to be butchered this week. Found a place only 30 min away that charged us $1.50 a chicken. They turned out wonderful. None of them were less than 6lbs, and some were 8. This was at 8 weeks of age!
I'm pretty proud of the chicken trailer. I did all the woodworking myself. DH put the wire on. I'll have to call my brother and tell him I was paying attention to him while we were building stuff together!
We'll use the cage part of the chicken trailer for a chicken tractor when we need to.

The Partridge Rocks are here. I'm so excited. (I must need a life)
This is the second time we've used the brooder I built, and it's working well. I think I'll make a screen cover for it, so we don't have to worry about cats.

Coop pics! Great helpers!

W.jpg We plan on having the run at the back of the coop later. So far the chicks won't come out!

This is one of those 'exotic' chicks that MMH sent with our order. We think he/she is an EE. Time will tell
This is our coop. Still needs paint and a run. The chicks love it though. The dogs REALLY want to help them move in!
DSCF0010.jpg This is a pic of my granddaughter and our dogs.
This is the same granddaughter with the new chicks. Pretty excited!
July 6, 2008
We rotisseried one of the meat birds yesterday. It was one of the smaller ones, weighed in at 7.5lbs. Well worth cooking!
I also got to cut flowers for in the house. Life is good when there's enough flowers to bring inside!!