Small farmstead with the beginings of what I hope will be a labor of love for my husband and myself.
We raised German Shorthaired Pointers for years and now have just two. They are beautiful dogs and so very intelligent! It got to the point where it was too emotionally upsetting for me to turn loose of the pups when the time came to get turn them over to their new families so I made the hard choice of living without the little darlings being a constant in my life. We may decide one day to breed once again but for now we have decided a nice long break might be the best for me.

We have always had a few chickens and recently decided to go out on a limb and try something a bit different to help fill the empty space left by not having pups around all the time. I bought ten beautiful Copper Black Maran chicks and fell instantly in love so now we have decided to go in the direction of only the dark egg layers instead of the usual barnyard fare of Orpingtons, Barred Rocks and Austalorps that we have traditionally had. 07/19/2008
October 2011, Raccoons discovered my flock and cleaned me out completely! I have shelved the chicken habit until I can build a more critter proof coop. Spring of 2012 will see me hatching a new flock and starting from the ground up again.

I love riding motorcycles and enjoy almost any other outdoor activity. I am very artistic and am quilting as well as soap making. I love any of the old homestead type arts like canning, preserving, gardening, and campfire cooking. I have always shown horses until recently and raised AKC registered bird dogs for many years. I have a knack for rehabing hurt and orphaned animals and friends and family always call me first when they have a animal crisis. I don't mind, it's a labor of love and gives me purpose. I paint, sketch, am an amature photographer, arrange flowers, craft and am a huge BYC addict

Just in the past couple of years I have added Beef Cattle, a Jersey cow and a herd of Nubian Milk Goats to the farm. I am now making hand crafted soaps and have them for sale at all times. I almost always have a bottle calf or goat kids around the place. Nothing like babies to cheer you up and make you feel loved and needed.