Quail Coop - Small wooden Aviary

This is awesome. We have a coop, and an aviary, but are looking at building something else for an outdoor breeding pen for our silkies to be used for every month but winter. Something like this would work great and also, if I get my wish to raise quail someday!

As for the anonymous person who commented about your chicken wire not being preditor-proof, I would have too but I read your explanation which makes perfect sense. I just wish people would read before judging. Nice job!
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Thank you!
Yes so far it has been a year and I haven’t had any issues yet with the chicken wire. Even with rats/ mouse which is probably the only threat in center cities. They have plenty of things to eat in the garbages in the street I think 😂
This is an awesome build, design, and overall look! I love it and I think that of I ever made it I might make a small wooden feed room or add a garden shed on the side for their feed and a brooder/hospital area where I could treat sick quail or raise new chicks. I'd probably end up having Bobwhite Quail or California Quail if I was to make it and I would add a dead tree or some larger perches and branches. I'm collecting some ideas for smaller aviaries Incase if I have to move in the next few years. I'm definitely going to be saving this article Incase if I need to make something like it!
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Thank you, happy you like it and that it helps!
Nice size for quail.
The chicken wire isn't predator proof.
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Reactions: Miss Lydia
Nice coop! Good pics and great to see some plans for it.
Nice quail coop!
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