
[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]About me: [/FONT]

[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]We live in California right on the coast. . I have a Wife, two kids and two dogs. And one helluva small back yard. Most people think I'm crazy when I tell them about my plan to raise chickens for farm fresh eggs right from my very own extremely suburbanite neighborhood and cramped back yard. Hopefully i can pull this experiment off and show other people in similar situations that they can do it too. I know I can't be the only one attempting to raise chickens in a extremely cramped urban environment but It's certainly rare around here! I know it will be a challenge and that's probably what led me to do it, besides the eggs of course.

My Coop is in the paint booth right now getting pimped. It's supposed be like a barn yard red but I think home depot threw some pink in there...ooops. If I didn't have better things to do I might think about making the trip back to home depot, wait in the return line and try to explain why i'm not satisfied with my 22 bux worth of paint. Nah.
My coop should hold 3 to 4 hens (haven't decided yet). All the hens will have access to a 5x10 garden area every day. This garden is there's for the taking. I am forgoing the veggies for the eggs! I think it's a great trade off. I have seeded the garden area with wheat and barley which means now I have an endless stream of birds swooping down to feed on my seed!

My chick order has been place through Ideal-poultry and should be here by this Friday the 12th of March.

[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Update: Decided to keep 3 birds. They are about 7 weeks old now and we have just re-located them and their coop outside in the garden. Enjoy the updated pics on my other pages. [/FONT]

[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Please check out my [FONT=impact,chicago]coop-build[/FONT] page and my [FONT=comic sans ms,sand]Chicks page[/FONT] for the latest info my chicken experience[/FONT]

[FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]All comments and Suggestions are welcome. [/FONT]