My Name is Marcy. I live in a little town in the U.P. of Michigan. My Fiance and I live at the end of a deadend road out in the country. We only have an acre but it butts up to my grandparents 300 acre farm so we have the use of plenty of land. We have 5 horses and aslo resue horses as money permits, so usually we have 6 horses around. We have 3 dogs, Bella a German Shepherd, Tank an Australian Sheherd, and Jenny a Chi mix of some sort. We have 4 cats of various ages and breeds. A ferret Named Tabitha. About 30 chickens with my Cochin Bantams being the breed of choice along with my Polish, Production Reds and a few mutts. We have a goat named Bob as well as a Rabbit that roams the farm. We do foster dogs and cats for our local animal welfare group as well.
My Fiance Barry and I have been together for 6 yrs and sooner or later we will get around to plannig a wedding I am not able to have children so the animals are our children. Barry is a owner/operator truck driver who has a dedicated run so he is home nights and weekends. I work part time at a grocery store just to get out and socialize. Otherwise I am pretty much a homebody and spend my time with the critters, reading, surfing the net, and taking care of my nieces and nephews when I can. In the summer we have 40 acres about 10 miles away so we spend as much time camping there as possible. Our camper is there year round and we have a fence set up for the horses there as well. In the summer it is our weekend getaway where we can enjoy the peace and quit with our animals and good friends who come out to camp with us.
I am thinking of adding Silkies to my chicken herd in the spring. In our area there are not very many rare/odd breeds and I would like to get some more of a market built up for them. Right now I incubate and give the chicks away to family and friends so they might enjoy them as well. In 2012 I would like to possibly get into 4H to help get kids involved. I seems anymore if it can't be controled by a computer or video game its not worth having. I don't like that our youth have gotten so lazy in recent yrs and would like to help change that if I can......
My Fiance Barry and I have been together for 6 yrs and sooner or later we will get around to plannig a wedding I am not able to have children so the animals are our children. Barry is a owner/operator truck driver who has a dedicated run so he is home nights and weekends. I work part time at a grocery store just to get out and socialize. Otherwise I am pretty much a homebody and spend my time with the critters, reading, surfing the net, and taking care of my nieces and nephews when I can. In the summer we have 40 acres about 10 miles away so we spend as much time camping there as possible. Our camper is there year round and we have a fence set up for the horses there as well. In the summer it is our weekend getaway where we can enjoy the peace and quit with our animals and good friends who come out to camp with us.
I am thinking of adding Silkies to my chicken herd in the spring. In our area there are not very many rare/odd breeds and I would like to get some more of a market built up for them. Right now I incubate and give the chicks away to family and friends so they might enjoy them as well. In 2012 I would like to possibly get into 4H to help get kids involved. I seems anymore if it can't be controled by a computer or video game its not worth having. I don't like that our youth have gotten so lazy in recent yrs and would like to help change that if I can......