Rriveramris Chicken Coop

I love the coop, and the coop page makes it so much easier to see how it was built! This will be a great article for those who want to build themselves small hen house
I like that you have your "blueprints". What a good idea to re-use your old swing set!

I enjoyed all of the pictures.

I am concerned that you used chicken wire to cover the run. Raccoons can make short work of chicken wire. You really need hardware cloth/welded mesh wire. It has smaller openings and is stronger by far than chicken wire.

I would have liked to see what you would have done differently if you were to rebuild it.
Loved the detailes as your coop came together. The pictures and plans were extremely helpful for others. Nice job!
I enjoyed reading about your experiences as you tackled building your first coop. The end result looks as if your hens will be happy there. As long as the little dog leaves them alone!
Looks like a nice coop for a few chickens. The conversion of the swingset was neat to see. I would swap out that chicken wire for hardware cloth, or else you could have issues with predators.
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