Hen went missing, birds were in coop, not free ranged. Figured maybe bird of prey. No evidence of struggle. This am I found dig marks around the coop. Then I heard them panic and ran to coop to find a large skunk in the coop, it went running out, didn't think it could fit through such small fencing but it did. My quail went flying, the skunk was jumping in the air trying to catch it, my rooster and other hens are all freaking out, I'm swinging my net at it and it doesn't even care I'm there. I actually hit the skunk before it turned around. I've never had a skunk issue. I will be bringing my birds to the house, putting up a live trap, but didn't think skunks would actually go after the birds! I read to predator proof, which I thought I had done a good job, clearly not, any ideas of deterants that have worked best for others?