Sour Crop

Lots of misinformation.
Really liked this article as it is a problem all chicken owners should know how to handle.

I would explain what a "crop" is and how a chicken processes food by allowing the first stomach (the crop) to pass food to the second stomach (the gizzard).

I would add that this can be a physical blockage that can lead to death by dehydration or starvation if left untreated.
good article!
Good article now I'll know if my chickens have sour crop.
Good article on sour crop!
I like the list of things that could cause Sour Crop. The only thing I don't agree with was not giving the chicken water for 24 hours.....that's a long time.
It actually is the only way for massaging it every hour to work. I agree, but I did a lot of research and it said not to worry about your chicken getting thirsty.
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