Chickens... the next frontier. This is the maiden voyage of the Starcoop Eggerprise. It's mission: to graze strange new vegetation, to seek out new life forms and eat them, to boldly feed how we've never attempted before.

Feederation Runabout Class, Registry Number GNK-2013, Captain Jean Roost Pickyard, commanding (as it were). 1st mate Cluxanna Poy-o is joined by twin Hensigns Penny and Meggan Delayin', soil cartographers.

Captain's log:
Coopdate 20130714.1054 Found ourselves on this wet-class planet. Established temporary shelter, found food and water. Giant lifeforms have been observed. Tried to initiate first contact on all-known clucking frequencies, to no avail. Morale is shaky at best because Cluxanna egg-jected warp core soon after landing. 21 days until warp-core breach.
Supplemental: warp core confiscated by giants and is in refrigeration unit. Intentions unknown.

On the left,1st mate, Cluxanna Poy-o, a Brown Red OEG/Cochin Bantam cross with Captain Jean Roost Pickyard, a Brahma/Silkie Cross on the right.
These twins are the Hensigns Penny and Meggan Delayin', soil cartographers. They are Buff Orpingtons, but not laying, yet.

Coopdate 20130716.2045 Transport of new crew to rendezvous coordinates went well. After decontamination and quarantine protocols are completed we will begin exploring this vast new expanse. New arrivals bring us Sub-Commander T-Poultry, Dr. Beggerly Squawker, Chief Eggineer B'henna Torreggs, Hensign Henny Kim, and Ambassador Neechix.
Supplemental: Crew photos and histories have been entered into the main computer's personnel files with some gaps to fill in.

Hensign Henny Kim, a favorite of her former captain, sustained massive feather damage during her last away mission. She's a Buff Orpington cross.
Dr. Beggerly Squawker, hailing from the Reds of Rhode Island, doesn't mind standing up for herself when she thinks she's been wronged. Also a favorite of her former captain as evidenced by her broken feathers.
The most serious and much older arrival, Sub-Commander T'Poultry, a Barred Rock.

Chief Eggineer B'henna Torreggs specializes in Olive Eggs though she hasn't revealed her parentage as yet.

Ambassador Neechix, a flamboyant Buff Orpington cross, reporting for scavenging duty.

Coopdate 20130719.1645 Per our Feederation President K, we were instructed to head to new coordinates to transport 2 refugees from a neighboring system and pick up 3 crew members sent to be an advanced landing party. Ru'Bawk is Chief of Security and Nester Christine Cackle have resumed their positions in the Eggerprise. Lt. Commander Jadzia Hatch has requested duty on a neighboring coop when it arrives. After the refugees applied for asylum, we have begun integrating them into positions throughout the Starcoop. One of Five and Two of Five of the Box are identical with the exception of markings on the wings and they will join the Delayin' sisters in soil cartography. President K is requesting that they be given new names to establish their identities when they are delivered to their new homes.
Supplemental: We're at a temporary docking port awaiting a retrofit. Bad weather on the planet has everyone on edge. New additions not yet entered into log as scanning equipment broke. Repairs underway.

Feederation President K has big plans for this crew. Mom has bigger plans for them to explore large quantities of the garden to remove the weeds hatched with this rain!

Ru-Bawk looks on as Lt. Commander Jadzia Hatch, a Frizzled Cochin Bantam, lines up behind 1 of 5, a Cochin Bantam, to enter the Captain's Mess.

Nester Christine Cackle, a black and white Cochin Bantam receiving last minute instructions from Ru-Bawk, a Frizzle Cochin Bantam.
This is 2 of 5, one that came from the Box. She is a Cochin Bantam and will be reassigned to Feederation President K's private entourage.

Coopdate 20130729.1945 Today we fulfilled the last of our crew roster for a while. 700.jpg

We installed Kai Opecka, a 6 month old Aracuna/BCM as the spiritual leader. She is always leading the others in song.

Her 3 month old sister, Major Kicka Nerys runs the resistance in regards to being penned. She will slowly be rehabilitated.

The Duras sisters, Lurs-hatch and Inkoo-Bator, are often found being in cahoots with the Major. Maybe it's the similarity in age that fosters this close bond, but the three seem to find unexplored areas and love the raw worms they unearth.