Intro 6 ~ Vhanya

Vhanya was not fond of horses.
Yet here she was, on the back of a bay mare, riding towards Pirate’s Cove. She was rather unlike the majority of her race, she shunned the Aqra’s solitary nature and always felt most at home in the bustle of the cove town. The busy streets ran rampant with all sorts of unsavory personalities; Vhanya liked everything best if it came with a little thrill, and she certainly considered running the risk of being shivved every time you set foot on the streets to be thrilling.

She looked down and considered the mare, she could put a hefty price on the horse -it was a decent beast, with a nice conformation and steady gait, even Vhanya could see that- and the gold could go towards repairs of her ship, the Quicksilver.
How a ship was the working beast’s superior! Yes, the seas were a cruel mistress, a kick from a mule would always be more tolerable than to plunge, forever lost, into the churning waters: But Vhanya never felt more free and more confident than when she was on her ship with whatever crew she currently had mustered. Her ego was already quite inflated; the high seas did nothing to help.

The roofs of buildings soon came into view as she rode, and the air gradually took on the salty tang of breezes sweeping in off the coast. Before she fully entered the view of the town, she took the safety measures of tucking her tail inside her trousers, she had bands on her thigh and calf to keep it in place; it had a bad habit of twitching whenever she was irritated, her tail’s quirks spoke volumes about her self control. She finally got her tail secured, then she straightened in the saddle, letting the breeze gently ruffle her raven hair.
It was good to be back.
Next page: Intro 7 ~ Jintao
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