Describe 'The Totem pole of Roosters and Hens - How a Group of each acts differently' here

I did a very interesting experiment over the summer. It involved a group of roosters and a group of hens. Over the course of 3 1/2 weeks I watched how the groups made the pecking order. The results might surprise you. For 2 hours a day, I watched the roosters and another 2 hours, I watched the hens. When I put the roosters in the huge run, I watched them for 2 hours. The roosters made the pecking order in that time. Only 2 hours. It was amazing seeing how roosters could discover the strongest from the weakest in only 2 hours. A very different result came out with the hens. It did not take them the same amount to find the pecking order. It took them longer! For the whole 3 1/2 weeks they were battling for the top hen. This was very surprising to me. I wanted to do a lot more research on this. This was an amazing thing to watch and discover. As I progressed in this experiment I took lots of notes. One of my notes on the roosters was, "Every Rooster for himself. Not grouping up or helping others. They are very independent." One of my notes on the hens were, "Some grouping together. When they do they group together according to breed. Hens finding similarities with each other then they group together." This tells us that the grouping instincts of hens and roosters are very different. I wanted to more research on this topic. I went to observe a sleep away camp. I went to the boy's cabins the first hours of everyone arriving at the camp and found that they had already found out who was at the top of the totem pole, and who was at the bottom. Over the 3 1/2 weeks I was there, there were no problems with the boys. They accepted where they were on the totem pole. During observations with the girls, throughout the whole 3 1/2 weeks, they were always fighting for the top. It was very interesting that the boys acted just like the roosters and the girls, just like the hens. The boys did not group up of help one another to bring down another, and the girls grouped up by similarities such as blonde hair or brown hair. It was interesting to see how the girls would be willing to help the group that was at the top, but not to help the group at the bottom even if they had a really good friend in the bottom group. By the end of camp the boy's were saying good-bye to all the friends they made during the duration of camp. They did it in a normal way, even saying good-bye to their worst enemy. The girl's, on the other hand said good bye and were still fighting when they were leaving. They would avoid saying good-bye to someone or giving them the evil eye. My experiment was very interesting and you should consider trying it sometime. Doing experiments like this are right up my ally. I would love to do this in other situations. I am working on one with ducks at the moment.

(No animals were hurt during the duration of this experiment)