Hi everybody! This is an RP archive article similar to @Lacy Duckwing‘s Antler Mountains Archives. This is where I’ll post the forms (and some other stuff) of all the animals played in Wilderness Heights so we can keep track of them. ;)

Here’s a basic map of the Wilderness Heights by me (@Bakbuk).

Character Forms:

Kiko by @Bakbuk
Species: American Marten
Name: Kiko
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, cunning, very intelligent, fast, excellent climber and swimmer, hard to find most of the time but friendly and personable none the less.
Physical description: smooth, glossy fur. A very healthy individual.
Other: Shares a tree hollow with his best friend, a Western Screech-Owl named Luke.
Wren by @JustBabyMargo
Species: American Black Bear (Cinnamon phase)
Name: Wren
Gender: Female
Mate: Branch (in the near future)
Age: 3.5 years old
Personality: to be played out
Physical description: cream/tan-ish colored fur, round ears, average sized.
Other: At about 2 years old, Wren and Branch were out playing in the forest one day (away from their families) when a handful of hunters came along. They escaped, barely, and are now living in the Wilderness Heights.
Branch by @Little Baby Bean
Species: American Black Bear
Name: Branch
Gender: Male
Mate: Wren(in the future but they are super close friends now. They obviously like each other.)
Age: 3 and a half years old.
Personality: Sweet, kind, loving, especially to Wren. He would do anything to protect Wren, even if there are hunters around. Aggressive to unfamiliar animals.
Physical description: Black, shiny fur when he's clean. Pretty strong and big. Has a short tail.
Other: At about 2 years old, Wren and Branch were out playing in the forest one day (away from their families) when a handful of hunters came along. They escaped, barely, and are now living in the Wilderness Heights.
Luke by @The-White-Elephant
Species: Western Screech-Owl (Brown morph)
Name: Luke
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, very intelligent, fast, friendly, likes to help others. Can get a bit angry if threatened.
Physical description: He is reddish-brown, with a bit of grey in between
Other: Shares a tree hollow with his best friend, a Pine Marten, Kiko.
Crescent by @the_peanut_coop
Species: Indian Flying Fox
Name: Crescent
Gender: Female
Personality: Can be angry and spiteful and antisocial, but if someone opens up to her then she'll be their friend forever (If she deems them worthy.)
Physical description: smooth, glossy reddish fur with some blue specks. Very sharp teeth and whitish-green eyes, large ears. Very big.
Other: Found this valley recently so she doesn't know anybody. Young female adult, has problems with predatory instincts, you'll see.
Pine by @Lovely Lettie
Species: Cougar
Name: Pine
Gender: Female
Personality: Gentle and calm but gets very angry when contradicted she likes hunting and her favourite food is Bat!
Other: She hasn't got any friends and doesn't know anyone.
Fang by @The-White-Elephant
Species: Cougar
Name: Fang
Gender: Male
Personality: Gentle, smart, but gets angry a bit too often.
Other: He is new and hopes to make some new friends.
Mate: None yet
Vero by @Chikyboy
Species: Cougar
Name: Vero
Gender: Male
Personality: Smart, fast, unique, shy, kind.
Physical description: Rough, tan-ish fur, large yellow eyes, large claws, strong.
Other: Mom got killed by poachers, learned how to live on his own.
Dawn by @Little Baby Bean
Species: American Marten
Name: Dawn
Gender: Female
Mate: Doesn't have one... yet. Mostly because she thinks she's the only Pine Marten. The last male Pine Marten she's seen was her dad but he died a while ago. (She will most likely end up with Kiko)
Personality: Sneaky, fast, cunning, mysterious, tough, calm. She's sweet and kind and loving if she knows you/likes to be around you.
Physical description: Smooth beautiful fur. She's got bright eyes that sparkle in the light. Very pretty.
Other: She lives alone and stays away from other animals(unless they're small prey animals)
Orville by @GingTato
Species: Virginia Opossum
Name: Orville
Gender: Male
Personality: To be played out.
Physical description: Light grey fur, large, long tail, average sized.
Other: Not nocturnal like other opossums.
Terrence by @JustBabyMargo
Species: Sandhill Crane
Name: Terrence
Gender: Male
Personality: Loud, overdramatic, and a bit arrogant
Physical description: just look up Sandhill Crane
Other: @Bakbuk
Tux by @the_peanut_coop
Species: Nine-banded Armadillo
Name: Tux
Gender: Male
Personality: Very friendly and open. Is willing to comfort anybody, but hasn't met very many people due to the fact that he's not super mobile.
Physical description: A hard tannish shell. that's kinda it.
Other: Lives down in the bottom of the valley near the lake, and the critters go to him for answers, but he's secretly lonely.
Aquila by @Bakbuk
Species: Golden Eagle
Name: Aquila
Gender: Male
Mate: She died two years ago. He still hasn’t got completely over it yet.
Age: Nobody really knows except him, and he doesn’t tell anybody. At least four years old.
Personality: Not excessively friendly, but loyal to the extreme. Kind and compassionate, but very bold and not afraid to speak his mind. Wise and mature (He’s seen a lot, and he knows a lot). Has a very good sense of what is just and right.
Physical description: Large, strong, and powerful. One of the largest eagles in the Western Hemisphere. An expert flyer.
Other: He likes to keep to the mountain peaks above the treeline, but he will go down into the forest and occasionally even into the valley.
Zelmira by @JustBabyMargo
Species: Western Screech-Owl
Name: Zelmira (Mira for short)
Gender: female
Mate: Luke (in the near future)
Personality: to be played out
Physical description: normal Screech-Owl
Other: @Bakbuk
Madea by @EmmaRainboe
Species: Equus ferus caballus (horse :p)
Breed: Wild Mustang
Age: 18 months
Name: Medea
Gender: Mare
Personality: Fast, wise, and cunning. Very magestic and thoughtful with every step. Knows every rock and pebble of the mountain.
Physical description: silky smooth blue dun coat which shimmers a silver-blue sparkle in the sun, and goes practically invisible under the blanket of the darkness.
Other: Her father was a great and wise blue dun stallion, passing on his beauty to his daughter. Her mother was black as coal, completely vanishing in the darkness. She taught her daughter every trick and dodge she knew in order to give her the best chance at survival. She had taught her the dangers of man and horse alike, and how to use her wits to avoid capture. That came into great use when the biggest round up ever took place. Medea was the only one not captured, leaving her, a lone mustang with no herd in the willowing whisps of the mountains. She was the only horse in the area, or so she thought…
Kokadjo by @Lacy Duckwing
Species: Coywolf (Coyote/Gray Wolf hybrid)
Name: Kokadjo
Gender: Male
Personality: Honest. Smart. Fast. Very clever and daring. A great fighter, even though might not be by strength.
Physical description: Mostly silverly gray fur with some spots darker than others. Has white fur on bottom with white streak up his face. Has white spots that aren't that obvious throughout his silver fur. Has some tan running through his fur on his hind legs. Fur is just a little longer than it should be, with tuffs on his ears. He's smaller than the average wolf, yet bigger than the average coyote. Has large paws, and has those golden wolf eyes.
Other: Kokadjo likes to be Alpha, though he doesn't have a pack. Some might call it strange, but he prefers to hang out with bears, over his own species.
Pyxis by @TheOddOneOut
Species: Rock Pigeon
Name: Pyxis
Age: 1 and a half years
Gender: female
Personality: She’s quiet. She has a flock nearby, but she doesn’t spend much time with them. She prefers the forest and woods. Kind and big-hearted.
Physical description: She’s a darker gray than most of her flockmates, with a shiny green-violet neck and a few white flecks on her shoulders. She has twin patches of white beneath each wise amber eye.
Other: Pyxis is named by her mother after the compass constellation. Pyxis has always had a very strong homing “compass”….like most pigeons, she can sense magnetic fields and find her way home. But hers goes far beyond. Her memory is photographic, and so she can picture any place she’s been before and know how to get there. Her mother was eaten by a fox when Pyx was just a fledgling, so her sense of direction has been quite handy, as she often finds herself alone.
Spark by @Misfits Farm 92
Species: Red Fox
Name: Spark
Gender: female
Age: 3 years
Personality: Clever, stubborn, prideful, determined, brave, not always super sociable though. She's stealthy and good at dodging attacks if needed
Physical description: Just normal red fox coloring, though the red part of her coat may be slightly darker than normal.
Alpha by @EmmaRainboe
Species: Horse
Name: Alpha
Gender: Stallion
Personality: Charming, caring, fast, sweet, yet stern.
Physical description: Beautiful chestnut coat which glows in the sun. He has a small white mark on his forehead.
Other: Grown to be a hunter horse, yet meets a mare (Madea) while on his journey and with her help breaks free and joins her in the mountains.
Sand by @Silverwulfess
Species: Cougar
Name: Sand
Gender: Female
Personality: Sand is an older girl. She has spent the majority of her life alone. She is barren, so has bore no cubs. Because of this fact, social niceties is not something she subscribes to. She can be abrupt and oftentimes manipulative if something benefits her. This has led to her getting into a number of fights, as not all appreciate her mannerisms.
Physical description: She has a golden brown pelt and a white underbelly. She is pretty scarred up. Most noticeable is three jagged lines running down the left side of her face. She does have a small white tailtip, which is pretty distinguishable.
Patch by @Misfits Farm 92
Species: Rock Pigeon
Name: Patch
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Personality: Mischievous, curious, pretty smart, good at making creatures laugh, fairly bold most of the time.
Physical description: he has a few more white feathers on him than you'd expect for a Rock Pigeon.
Calla by @TheOddOneOut
Species: Western Screech-Owl
Name: Calla
Gender: Female
Appearance: Amber-reddish-white mottled owl feathers. Her ear tufts and wings and tail are tipped with black, and she has a few black spots rimming her golden eyes. Quite pretty by owl standards.
Personality: She’s very friendly and happy, but don’t take it for granted. She’s a brilliant mind, and is great at detecting lies. Fiercely protective of those she loves, and hopes to raise young someday.
Story: Fled from a forest fire on the other side of the mountains. Her family lives nearby, and she visits them regularly. Her favorite food is fat voles.
Echo by @TheOddOneOut
Species: Tassel-eared Squirrel
Name: Echo
Gender: Female
Age: 8 months
Appearance: Echo is a silver-gray with a white belly and a rippling, soft silver tail. She is plump and sweet-looking, with a round face. She has fluffy silver ear tufts. Her eyes are large and brown.
Story/personality: She’s from a big family and lives by the lake. She’s very sweet and motherly, and knows a lot of herbs and cures for things. She was trained as a healer by her father.
Gunslinger by @the_peanut_coop
Species: Domestic Dog (Beagle)
Name: Gunslinger
Gender: Female
Age: about 4 years old
Personality: to be played out
Physical description: White with brown and black markings on ears and back
Other: loyal to the hunters and eager to sniff out trails of animals.
Ara by @TheOddOneOut
Species: Horse
Name: Ara
Appearance: Blood Bay Roan mare with a creamy-red speckled coat and darker brown face and legs. White blaze on forehead and one white sock. Black mane.
Personality: Ara is bold and funny. She always makes others laugh. She’s a bit dark inside, but can always cheer up others, even if she’s unable to cheer up herself.
Story: Was taken by humans from her wild herd. She has spent years in captivity. Recently she was purchased by a new human, and has been transported to a place in the woods.
Isa by @Barred Rock Mama
Species: Ermine (aka Short-tailed Weasel)
Name: Isa (Pronounces E-sa)
Gender: Female
Personality: Very goofy
Physical description: White with blue eyes; Almost blind in her left from an accident involving an angry squirrel and a mushroom;
Other: Everyone thinks she's crazy, but she doesn't know it and it wouldn't hurt her feelings if she learned; Doesn't have any family (that she knows of);
Nova by @Barred Rock Mama
Species: Gray Wolf
Name: Nova
Gender: Female
Personality: Serious; Can be mean; Sees weakness as something awful and humiliating;
Physical description: Grays, black, and brown, typical wild coloring
Other: Was kicked out of her pack and nearly killed for attempted murder ( :/ it had to be a good reason lol)
Vitiligo by @LemonGod
Species: Bobcat
Name: Vitiligo
Gender: male
Mate: none
Age: 2 yrs
Personality: very sarcastic and rude, can be nice at times, but rarely,
Physical description: very thin and lanky, dark brown coat with grey cape on back, amber eyes, also wears a tracking collar that the sanctuary acquired him
Other: Vitiligo comes from an animal sanctuary that rescued him and his siblings after their mother was killed
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