Three French Hens Coop

I love your beautiful tiny coop as well as your 3 cute hens; its a shame you had to got rid of them. :(
Well constructed and decorated. You got such a cute kids, Blessings.
Thanks Judy! The good news is that we're in a new location and once again have hens that we hatched out in September. Currently building a new coop which I'll eventually post in here as well. Merry (almost) Christmas to you!
Beautifull get-along work. The coop is great for a few small bantam chickens. The run however, is in my opinion, only big enough if you can let the chickens free range a couple of hours each day. But for rabbits this is a great outside space.

I did things the other way around. Started with rabbits. For the kids. When there run got undermined (the rabbits eventually made holes in the floor boards) and the small rabbit coop got rotten, we bought a new chicken coop for the rabbits. This included a small run. But the rabbits didn't have eternal lives. After the rabbits 4 small Dutch chickens took over the place. :)
Hi BDutch & thanks for your review. As I look back, you're right about the size of the run. At the time, the kids were still small & we were homeschooling them so there was always someone home & any time we were out in the yard, they were out with us (not every day, but not too far off as I'm a gardener and would always do the garden tour to see what new leaves/buds had sprouted since the previous day - LOL). But yes, it was a bit small - which proved a challenge when trying to clean it out.
Your little French Hen coop turned out very nicely! I like all the repurposed materials you included in the build.
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Thanks N F C, we were happy with how it turned out - between the spikes and the abundance of screws, it was very solid and a nice size for our girls. Of course, it wasn't as pristine pink for long! haha! :)
This is a great little coop - and encourages those of us with odd spaces and no precision planning skills to go ahead and try it, anyway ... and I'd LOVE to hear the rabbit story!
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MROO... the rabbit story was just another example of "chicken math" ... you start with one & then things get out of hand. The rabbits were more socially acceptable than chickens (at the time) so we ended up with one buck and 2 or 3 females. Before you know it, we were "multiplying" and there was no trouble finding homes for them. The kids LOVED having hand-tamed babies. So chickens were like our "gateway drug" which eventually led to rabbits, quail & homing pigeons. LOL ... But I'm more or less cured now. ;)

Thanks for stopping by!
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