I did it!!!!
I took an old dog kennel with a cement floor, built the hen house inside, by myself i might add!!! (Hubby held the wood for the front and back walls so I could cut it out). I used twin wall polycarbonate from the old green house for the roof on the house, gives them light while keeping them warm. Will add the top triangle to the front and backwalls in the fall for further insulation. I think the house cost me about $20 to build, most of the stuff was leftovers from other projects, the wood for the front and back wall was donated by the local lumber store. I added poultry fabric around the bottom of the kennel, secured it top and bottom. Then added some fencing wire on top of the kennel bows for the roof which I had left over from a fencing project, and then put the tarp over the top to keep the Pacific NW rain out, not to mention the preditors!!!! The girls seem to love it!!!!

We are still small, but at least we can play outside for a bit!!!

Here we are, a lot bigger now.

Ok, we are now about 7 month old and are putting out an egg a day, mom is really happy with this and so are the neighbors!!! I have told the neighbors that "the first one's free"!!!! New pics coming soon!!!
Well, here we are all grown up!!!
This is Peeps

This is Victoria (the rir) and Poulet Noir (the barred rock)

not easy to get a good pic of all 3 of them at one time!!!!!

Well, It has been a year now and my girls are officially hens!!!!! **tears**