Our patch of Heaven

Well.. this is me..I'm Lyndsey,
[FONT=comic sans ms,sand]and welcome to my little space in this world. My family and I live in beautiful Oregon on a little two acre farm[/FONT]. I'm fairly new to farming and chickens. We had chickens growing up, but that was 30 years ago. So...like many a newbie I have many questions, and am learning much by trial and error.
I currently have Five laying hens. Two are Rhode Island Reds. Their names are Henny Penny, and Sassy Butt. I also have two Barred Rock by the names Spick, and Speck. Then there is Arrie the Aracana.
Our man of the house is Sir Reginold Poppy Cock our Brama. He is the newest addition to our little flock.
In addition to our critters I have a house full of kids (6 to be exact), a dear hubby who keeps me busy, and my husbands Uncle who we help to care for. Of course along with the Uncle came six dogs. Four of them are yellow labs, there is a cocker spaniel, and one Miniture poodle mix thrown in there also. Not to mention the two puppies that were born just a couple of weeks ago.

We're looking at getting a couple of goats so we can clear the property of all the blackberries... ahhh that will be fun.



This is my daughter Becca, and one of our Rhode Island Red chicks Her name is Lucy.

R.I.P. Lucy, you were loved!!! Lucy sadly got pecked to death on 04/22/08 by one of our other chickens. As our first chicken loss she will be greatly missed.

Sir Reginold Poppy Cock

This is a picture of our newest additions to our family born on 04/13/08!