hi my name is Teresa i have 19, two roosters.I plan to breed chickens and sell their chicks as well as their eggs. I never thought i would fall in love with chinkens but one day i went over a friends house to see her new chicken coop and fell in ve with my first four chickens, one rooster and three hens, frank, lily, miley, and tulip. Frank was a golden orphanton rooster ,who i had to give away because of his crowing, lily and miley are white leghorns who are still in my chicken coop, and tulpi is my rhode island red who is also living in my chicken coop still. Sicnce then I have gotten a couple more chickens
Prada: black sex link
Coach: barred rock
Rambo: delaware blue hen rooster
Goldy Hawn: buff orphanton
Maryln: aracuna
Tulip: Rhode Island Red
Lily&Miley: white leghorn
Patunia: Rhode island red
Armoni: barred rock
Jewl: Buff orphanton
bella: buff
3 unamed aracunas(hens)
clumbian whyndotte: shasa
1 aracuna rooster and his little possy of 1 siliie ,1 aracuna, and 1 clumbian whyndotte.
Prada: black sex link
Coach: barred rock
Rambo: delaware blue hen rooster
Goldy Hawn: buff orphanton
Maryln: aracuna
Tulip: Rhode Island Red
Lily&Miley: white leghorn
Patunia: Rhode island red
Armoni: barred rock
Jewl: Buff orphanton
bella: buff
3 unamed aracunas(hens)
clumbian whyndotte: shasa
1 aracuna rooster and his little possy of 1 siliie ,1 aracuna, and 1 clumbian whyndotte.