Hey all ! Everyone up here knows me as unionwirewoman , But my real name is Marisa . I am 30 yrs old , although sometimes I feel alot older . I have 30 hens, 3 roo's , 3 horses, 2 dogs , and 1 outside cat . On July 12th 2008 I was married to the love of my life . He is 46 yrs old and has been a Union electrician for 24 yrs . I went to college out of highschool and got my Assc. degree in HVAC , worked in that field for 5 yrs. and am now completing my 4rth year out of 5 as an apprentice electrician for local 768 out of Kalispell , Montana . I was born and raised here and love it . Here are a couple of pics !
DSC00114.jpg our house DSC00115.jpg DSC00085.jpg hubby on right DSC00113.jpg my horse DSC00073.jpg me DSC00103.jpg turken