I love what I love and when I love~ I love to the max~
and now my world is being filled and blessed with chickens and peafowl!!!

I got the chicken fever in 2011,yes if your reading this in 2011 then I am a newbie.
But have learned so much thru this amazing site we all share~ BYC,

My new motto~"Iam officially an incubating Goddess" as my friends call me."

I purchased not one but several, Brinsea mini advance incubators.

It stopped snowing and I got to work on my chicken and peafowl village.
I ordered a coop to be made,then revamped it over so it would have my doll house look I wanted to go for. First mistake- and many of you .. learn this now.. hear and heed my words!! always go bigger first!!! cause they are like chips.. french fries, mnm's, margaritas~ one is never enough..hehhe so you get more and more and more chickens with no place to put them cause your coop is to darn small!!! , then I ordered another one but this time I ordered a playhouse and converted into a coop!!! and then ordered a dog house and converted that to a coop, cause well, my silkies cant for the life of them figure out how to get up the ramp. Oh and those of you who may not know this, chickens can figure out how to do something but cant seem to figure out how they did it to go back and do it. Ya'll know what I mean. They can jump a fence but cant figure out how to jump back, they can get down a ramp but how to get back up, they can figure out how to enter into an area, but geesh- theirs 3 sides to that pen my momma keeps are food in outside but how do we get back o

yep I think I got my village, next is to build a shelter for the pea's!!! more work!! does this not ever end!! ???
Added a run area next to the exsisting run to increase the square footage space for their outside fun, first run I purchased kennels, wrapped 3 feet down and a good 18 inches out with 1/2 inch hardware cloth, painted it all black!! to match.. and then added T-Post and 2x4 welded wire for the additional run area for the pea's. We have been working on this during the week of April 11, 2011 for our peacocks and peahens. Netting needs to go up still this week and yes, the tree was cut down so it could be a peafowl tree. Cant you just envision (now is the word envision with an (i) or an (e) oh well, ya'll know what I am saying) peacocks sitting on those branches with their gorgeous tails hanging down? whoops let me state it correctly/the TRAIN, can you just envision that stunning train with the foinest boys in town hanging out on the branches of their peafowl tree!!!! their trains waving in the wind like they should be on the next Garnier shampoo ad? LMAO I have one peahen she is what they call India blue ~White eyed, pied
Updated~ April 17th, 2011, all my peas are here and their netting is up.