Putting Tin on the 4th Wall

On the last page we finished installing the strapping and framing the doorway, now we are installing tin on the 4th wall.
The tin we used was previously on the roof and most of it was unscathed.


Time for tin!
Like we did on the roof, we installed the tin from left to right (SE-NW); for the purpose of the seam facing SE instead of NorthWest; thus preventing the north wind and rain from blowing in.
When installing the first piece we placed it as vertically 'level' as possible, since the first sheet decides the course of all that come after. The picture below is of the first two sheets of tin.
2nd sheet of tin on the 4th wall
Left to right overlap closeup

Since this procedure goes relatively quick, it was a bit challenging to capture every individual piece of tin going up. So the pictures show our progress in a spaced way.

We continued with tinning left of the door, and then cut a small piece for above the door.

Small piece of tin above door

Now on the right of the doorway, we continued plating the wall with tin sheets.
The sheet just right of the door had a approximately 5inch overhang, that was obstructing the doorway. We then cut off the excess with the Zipcutter.
Here's an action shot:

Cutting off the excess tin with the Zipcutter

After that we bent the remaining edge onto the framing 2x4. This way no one will get cut or scraped when brushing past.
Flattened tin edge

The last 2 sheets were the most bent (from being hit by a tree top), but are still leak-free. We evened out the indentations as best we could with roofing screws and then bent the excess tin around the corner and against the NW wall, with the help of a hammer.


As seen above, the last 'piece' is really two short pieces put together; with the top one on top of the other the water cannot get in.


In order to get the tin flush on the corner, we had to cut a small part off in order to accommodate for the wood protruding from the frame.

Tin cut to fit wooden block
NW wall view of tin

The Northwest wall looks so good! If you look closely (at the left corner ), you may see that we folded the last sheet of tarpaper around the corner as well.

Wide view of tin on 4th wall

What a very successful, satisfying and rewarding day of work, for those eternally loved birds.

P.S: If you're wondering why the screws/screw holes on the reused tin don't make a organized pattern, that's because of the previous installer.

On the next page we will be adding the Drip edges and making it look pretty.

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