
Welcome to my Webpage.
I started raising chickens just last year and I am additcted already!!!
Here are some pics of my flock.

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This is my dark Cornish hen Beatrice, and this is my partridge rock hen Maude
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Gypsy is my Austrolorp hen, and this is Sultan my Austrolorp roo. Mildred is my white rock, snacking with the ladies.
These are my first home hatched chicks, two belong to Mildred and three to Gypsy, Sultan is the proud Rooster
Building Project
Last year I had a lot of fun building my own chicken coop. It is not the cream of the crop but it is all my own design. :D
This is the finished product, below I have in order the building process...
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Here I am hard at work on the project, the roof was a nightmare for me and thankfully I had my brother-in-law, who works in construction, to help me put up the tresses. Thanks Josh!!!
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My EE hen Zapora is checking on my progress, and this picture shows an almost finished product.
Here is the finished product. The only thing I would change would be that It would be wider.
Right now it is 6x4 feet, and it is a bit crowded for me, but not for the chickens. They seem to like it just fine!