West Valley City Utah Chicken Ordinance

Are Chickens Allowed in this locationYes
Max Chickens Allowed200 per acre in Agricultural Zones
Roosters AllowedNo
Permit RequiredNo
Coop RestrictionsUnknown
City/Organization Contact nameWest Valley City Hall 3600 South Constitution Blvd. West Valley City, Utah 84119 Ph: (801) 966-3600
Additional InformationAll found at; http://www.wvc-ut.gov/DocumentView.aspx?DID=1200 - *** - 4-1-102. LEADING, ETC., CATTLE, HORSES, SWINE, ETC., IN PARKS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to lead or let loose any cattle, horse, mule, goat, sheep, swine or fowl of any kind in any park or playground. - *** - 7-1-103. DEFINITIONS. (4) \\\"Agricultural Industry or Business\\\" means the processing of raw food products by packaging, treating and/or intensive feeding. Agricultural industry includes, but is not limited to, animal feed yards, the raising of fur-bearing animals, food packaging and/or processing plants, commercial poultry or egg production, commercial greenhouses, and similar uses as determined by the Planning Commission. For purposes of the Manufacturing M-Zone, agricultural industry does not include a non-animal food processing plant located in a Redevelopment Project Area. - *** - 7-1-108. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRED BOND REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT. c. The use of the land shall not be commenced or proceeded with except upon the issuance of a written permit for the same by the Community and Economic Development Department. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this Title, no use permit shall be required for land used for agricultural purposes, as defined in this Title, for the keeping or raising of animals or fowl. - *** - 7-6-211. LIVESTOCK LIMITATIONS. The maintenance and keeping of livestock on a lot or parcel of land in an agricultural A or A-1 zone as a permitted use shall be limited to a total of 200 animal points per acre, as determined from the chart below. For land not totaling even acre amounts, points will be allotted by multiplying the fractional amount of land times 200. (Example: A 3/4 acre parcel would be figured as follows: .75 x 200, equaling 150 allotted points.) Small Sized Adult Over 4 Months of Age: (Less than 20 inches in height at top of shoulders) (IE: Chickens) = 1 point Additional review by the Planning Commission may be allowed to permit greater numbers of animals or fowl, depending on available facilities such as shelter, exercise, or sanitation. All livestock shall be fenced appropriately. - *** - 23-5-106. SALE OF ANIMALS. (1) Rabbits or fowl. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, barter, or give away any baby rabbits or fowl under two months of age in any quantity less than six. Such animals shall not be artificially dyed or colored. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to prohibit the raising of such rabbits and fowl by a private individual for his personal use and consumption, provided that the person shall maintain proper brooders and other facilities for the care and containment of such animals while they are in the person\\\'s possession. - *** - 24-2-112. STORAGE OF SOLID WASTE.* (SECTION 12.0) (9) Storage of agricultural waste. b. No person having charge of any stable, stall, shed, coop, apartment or yard where any animal is kept, or in any place where manure or liquid discharges of any animal accumulate or collect, shall permit such stable, stall, shed, coop, apartment or yard to be kept unclean or unsanitary. Manure stacks shall be constructed or established and maintained to prevent run-off and leachate from entering surface or ground water. (12.8)
Link for more Informationhttp://www.wvc-ut.gov/DocumentCenterii.aspx?FID=96
Information Last Updated2010-03-30 14:23:47

NOTE: This information was submitted by a member of our chicken forum. Please make sure to double check that this information is accurate before you proceed with raising chickens. Learn more about local chicken laws and ordinances.