We are a family of six, plus one little black cat. This spring we brought home two white silkie hens, and our backyard chicken journey began. This is Faye
and this is Eleanor
Next, we set up the coop
We also hand raised a small flock of bantams we ordered this spring. We gave half away, and kept three
a White Crested Black Polish named Dahlia, a Buff Brahma named June and our wonderful little Barred Plymouth Rock named Betty.
We have had a lot of fun with our new family members, and just love the fresh eggs the hens provide.
Now, we have three more little hens we brought home from the Brighton swap meet. A sweet little red frizzle cochin we call Lucy (as in Lucille Ball!)
a beautiful golden laced cochin named Genevieve
and just when I thought we were through, someone offers my daughter a sweet little white silkie pullet who was bound for a soup pot. After a good bath, she sure is sweet! We call her Belle
We love our chickens!
Next, we set up the coop
We also hand raised a small flock of bantams we ordered this spring. We gave half away, and kept three
We have had a lot of fun with our new family members, and just love the fresh eggs the hens provide.
Now, we have three more little hens we brought home from the Brighton swap meet. A sweet little red frizzle cochin we call Lucy (as in Lucille Ball!)
We love our chickens!