Wolfscouts Chicken Brooder

The author is assuming that everyone knows how to setup a brooder. More 'how to' would do the article a great value. I brood my birds in a similar setup. I use heat lamps, netting over the top of the brooder to keep the chicks from flying out after about a week of age.

The lamp (non teflon coated)needs to be set at a height that will result in a temperature of 95°F at the floor of the brooder. The lamp should be adjusted weekly, decreasing the temperature by 5°F until the birds are fully feathered out or the ambient temperature is at least 70°F. It should also be located at one end of the brooder and the feed and water at the opposite end. This setup will allow the chicks to go to a warm spot (under the lamp) or near it, while providing a cooler end to get away from the heat.
I use pine shavings or hardwood shavings for bedding.
Simple to use set up. Nice to see not too large a bulb being used for this kind of small brooder.
Artilce does not have details on modifying the tote for brooder use. The lid needs vents and protection protection from indoor predators--like cats!
Sorry to hear about your rooster, I like the simplicity of your brooder, but would encourage a few changes such as "netting" for the waterer. (Something to stop chicks from drowning)
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