When do they stop peepin' and start cluckin'?

I think it just really depends. It seems like my silkies peeped until they were 5-6 months old, but my 4 month old BLRW is starting to make hen noises. My 3 month old Buttercup is still making peep noises, but they sound more "mature" than her baby peeps were.
I have 10 week olds. My EE's are honking, my barred rocks are chirp/whistling/peeping, my RIRs are peep/clucking and my white leghorns are baby bok bok bagwking. I think it may be different for different breeds.
I have 4 brown leggerns and 2 pro/reds that are 2 months old and the are bawking thier heads off. They started early compared to the last batch i raised..they didnt start till about 3 1/2 months.
I posted the same question a while back and someone wrote in to say that 12 weeks is about average for the big-girl cluck to appear.

My Buff Orp girls are 10 weeks and still peep when they are going about their business (or shall I say "busy-ness"), but when they are alarmed by The Evil Rake or The Evil Shovel, they cluck loudly.

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