Buying an incubator!-PLEASE help me learn the basics......


13 Years
Oct 10, 2008
North Jersey
Hello, everyone. I am very new to incubating and hatching eggs. I have a couple of fertile eggs that i am wanting to hatch but i havent had the chance to buy an incubator and i am wanting to know what is the best incubator i can get for my money. i have that the LG isnt that great to use and people lose hatches with them... I am thinking of going with the Hovabator but i am really confused on what model is which and what is the difference, and also what is the difference between still air and forced air.


I appreciate it thanks!!
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I have a few different types of bators, my go to is a L G 9200 still air with a turner. I haved learned to use the model and know all the secerts. Others will tell you some other is best, could be. Unless you are going with a cabnet model all are about the same. Whatever anyone tells you, remember the incubator is only as good as the operater. Which ever one you get learn to use it properly and it will serve you well.
I wish I could help, but when it comes to incubators, I'm clueless. I leave the hatching to my hen.

Have a look around, otherwise try another thread. Sorry.
I have used 2 homemade bators and now own a Sportsman 1502. All worked out great! Hey, why not try to build a bator for yourself. It is incredible to watch chicks hatch in something you built yourself!
I have lots of types of incubator. depends on how many eggs you will be hatching, also what type of eggs. Also how long will you be hatching.

If you have a room to hatch in where the temp. is control, and have lots of time to watch and turn the eggs. The foam incubators will work.

If you want one were you can set it just let it do all the work. The high dollar incubator are great.

I have the small lyon(marsh) hold 24 chicken eggs. All I need is fill the water bottle 2 times Place the eggs in and remove the chicks 3 weeks later.

JUST stay away from the cheap chick-a-bator, I junked mine within days.

What kind of price range???
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Thank you all for the replies. Well the thing is i want an incubator that is not that pricey but that can hold a well amount of eggs(not soo much like the sportsman i think that is allot of energy to pay to have it ) that can hold chicken, duck, and goose eggs, and that will hatch them very well.....................Also can you really make your own incubator? how did you make your out of bammony?

Also do people always carry two incubator one just for the hatching? why is that?
Well if hatching large eggs, make sure you get a forced air. Goose eggs,turkeys, and peafowl eggs need forced air.
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I have two LG's and one Hovabator - all still air - and once you learn the tricks, they work really well. I prefer the LG's to the Hovabator because I find it easier to adjust and hold the temps but that's just me. I also think egg turners are a must, and prefer the turners for the LG's. They are much better quality than the one that came with the Hovabator. It's all about learning your equipment; not sure that one is really better than the other unless you get into the big dollar bators. Good luck!
You might want to check out your local craiglist. I just put an add on want to buy an incubator and this guy e-mailed me back and he has a 1602n Hovabator, with turner and fan and lots of extra eggs trays for bigger eggs. Only been used 4 times. He also has a Little Giant still air. Not sure what model that goes with it. Both for 75.00 . So look around and place some adds on craiglist and you might get lucky like I did.

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