Homemade Incubator Find


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Bryant Alabama
If anyone is interested in making their own incubator. I found the greatest thing. Walmart is getting their fishing worms in and they come in a large Styrofoam container. It is about 21"x19" and is 12" high. My DH brought one home to me last night.

If anyone wants to try making their own, You might consider asking at the sporting goods department if they have any of the Containers that the fishing worms come in. They might save one back for you.

The foam is around 2 inchs and it makes for a great unit as it keeps the temp very well, better even than the form incubators you buy. I made a hatcher that has worked very well for me out of an Omaha Steak Container which is about the same thickness, but is is pretty small compared to this. I am going to convert this container to a hatcher and I will post photos. It is handy to have something like this around for times when your incubator goes on the fritz or when you have staggered hatches.


This is a photo of the first one I made.
Very Cool, What is the substance you have in the pan. I read about that in Backyard Poultry magazine they said to use Shavings. I was worried about air in the Skillet. Does your lid have a vent? What temp setting are you using. I guess you could leave it slightly ajar later on to allow for more air circulation.

Jaynie, Bryant Alabama
Thanks you guys, I hated to sound like an idiot, but I just needed to know. I am hoping my buff orphington goes broody this spring. Last year, she disappeared for a night, and I saw her the next morning so I knew she was ok. but she did not come back the next night to go to bed. So up to the top of the loft, I sent my son. He found her laying on top of 24 assorted eggs. bantam and standard. I also had a bantam do this, I think she had like 31 eggs she was piled on. they are so funny. But I took the eggs from them. Now I am only going to let them out in the afternoon. The lay their eggs by then and I won't have to go egg hunting.

I would love to see pictures through the process. Then I will now what to look for if all goes well.

Also, does your skillet have a locking type lid, or does it just sit on the top of the bottom pan?
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