neighbors cat chewed my birds head off!


11 Years
Aug 29, 2008
i have no clue how it did this without me hearing it, but the neighbors huge monster sized cat chewed my ameracaunas head off! tomorrow i will be building an enclosed pen for them..ever since my rooster died, i have had cats just dying to get in my yard. i shouldve given him more credit for protecting the girls i think!!!
Cats can be quite vicious, i used to have one that was really bad. He would kill and eat a whole rabbit but leave you say a foot to let ya know what he caught, or a mouse if he caught one he would rip the face off and eat the rest, apparently he didn't like eating mouse whiskers. The same cat also tried to take down large dogs in the neighborhood like boxers and huge rotweilers and racoons. He was one fearless cat. I am so sorry for your loss
I would get a pellet gun and start shooting the cats coming into your yard.
oh the cat got shot in the butt with a bb son had gotten him earlier too because he was apparently trying earlier that day to grab on of the chickens...i never wouldve thought a cat would do that but my son saw him, and ive seen the cat before..its huge!
Sounds like you need to SSS that cat to make sure it doesn't come back for more. I have been very fortunate where we live now. There are a few cats roaming around here but never go after the chickens in fact one of the cats loves to just hang out with the chickens, they have been known to dust bath together which surprised me considering he wasn't too nice to humans. He would attack me for petting him. Best of luck to you with that cat.
oh yeah, i am going to be waiting for him today..he wont be doing it again, thats for sure! i am pretty sure its the one that is also crawling into our attic through the outside too! stupid cat!!
I agree - sounds more like another animal and the cat is getting the blame.

Not that I'm a big cat lover - it is just so strange. Chickens normally put cats in their place and cats have a hard time holding a chicken down to do any damage.
A determined cat can kill a full-sized bird. Growing up I had a cat, Shogun, who had no claws but a serious approach to pest control. She used to climb trees (which was a sight to see) and then lurk overhead until a wild pheasant walked by to raid our garden. Then she'd drop onto the bird from ambush. She had this little neck-breaking thing she did with her jaw. She never went far from the house, but she'd take down full-grown ring-necks and try to drag them through the pet door to eat. She'd throw a temper tantrum when they didn't fit.

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